How unlucky that you should have a reasonable answer to give, and that I should be so reasonable as to admit it!
And her hair wasn't your hair, it was blond, and I have to admit I liked how it contrasted with the dark tan of her skin.
“I hate to admit it, but he is unkind and unsympathetic to people,” she said, as I recall.
But I can see a huge potential conflict of interest between advisers who don't want to admit they blew it and shareholders who want someone capable of making money to run the company.
It's embarrassing to lose your job; I feel ashamed to admit it and so when I get home, I don't call anyone.
I fought against it... I really did... But at last I had to give in and admit I loved it.
I am ashamed to admit it but for the past few weeks I've been skipping my workouts right and left because I never had enough time for them.
So I'll admit it: My kids are not perfect. My parenting isn't perfect. And I know I am not alone.
I'll own up and admit it - - I think he's coolest out of this bunch.
I must admit that I always hated morning exercises and always thought that it would not work for me.
I will admit that I have fired someone during the probationary period due to fit, and I will admit, it was probably one of the best decisions I've made.
Somebody said yes and even if they won't admit to it I would give them a clap. Well done.
Perhaps that's why I've never liked her... And I know Gilbert doesn't either, though he's too clannish to admit it.
We don't admit it, we are actually applying Keynesian remedies, and I am a confirmed Keynesian.
I have to admit that I gave the book a marathon read over last weekend and had some dark dreams because of it.
I get so I really kind of hate to look in the sack at the end of the day, and I have to admit giving him his goodnight kiss on the lips is not nearly as fun as it used to be.
If I really thought that, I'd never admit to it, and if I did, I'd jump from my fire escape.
I only played it a little while and didn't get addicted like other people I know, but I have to admit it's a fun way to pass the time.
“I hate to admit it, but he is unkind and unsympathetic to people, ” she said, as I recall.
And I admit that some of it was simply a knee-jerk reaction that parents too often have: it's easier to say no than yes.
I admit I'm one of those people who tend to self-flagellate and istoo tethered to my to-do list, sometimes defeated by it.
I must admit that the 303 trick is the least complex approach I've seen, and I'll be interested in watching how it develops with wider practice.
And I have to admit that I would have really regretted it if I hadn’t visit Madame Tussaud’s.
And I absolutely positively will not back down or change the subject until you admit it.
He did not hit the right room directly, she motioned me to admit him, but he found it out ere I could reach the door, and in a stride or two was at her side, and had her grasped in his arms.
It was very late by the time we got home and got to bed and I didn't know if I would be able to sleep but I had to admit I was feeling very tired.
I admit I've become a bit obsessed by it, but I just can't resist the idea of going smaller and smaller.
The crucial moment of the film is where, I admit, I have a quibble: it is gripping and even moving when Harry realises what his destiny is, and sets out to fulfil it.
I'll admit it, I don't have the patience to figure out complicated RPG games. Give me a brain-dead "click and kill" game, and I'm all over it.
I'll admit it, I don't have the patience to figure out complicated RPG games. Give me a brain-dead "click and kill" game, and I'm all over it.