I looked at several DHTML window libraries, both for this article and for my own work, and I can tell you with some confidence that this one has the best feel to me.
I feel so much more a member of the planet community after doing this work for 10 years, because I feel like you can drop me most places and I'll be OK.
In the shadow of a death raid, I can meet you and feel more intensely alive than walking around in peacetime and taking my life for granted.
Feel your power emerge when you say, "I firmly believe that what I have to say deserves to be heard, and can make a difference."
I think this desire to find someone you can feel comfortable with is universal and a powerful motivator.
Making friends with you is always a lucky thing in my life! Meantime I feel grateful that you can tell me how you feel so frankly and straightforwardly.
If you feel that you are stuck in a rut, just like I did a few weeks ago, then here are a few steps that can help you and that have already helped me.
It was a book about recognizing your feelings so you can understand them and not let them control you. It gave me lessons to follow and some great advice. I feel I have come a long way.
And you can tell by my tone of voice I mean she should feel it with some sense of gutsy indignation.
I would recommend taking your date out for dinner (no lunch dates on the first date either). Take her somewhere you feel comfortable and somewhere you can easily afford.
And the interesting thing is, I think you can see — you can get a feel for both possible answers here.
So with that in mind I thought I’d write a quick checklist of things you can do if to keep stress at bay and feel more relaxed.
That was wrong! And you can tell by my tone of voice I mean she should feel it with some sense of gutsy indignation.
If you go to your project manager and say, "I feel sick inside, I can't sleep at night; I suspect our code is starting to suck," your manager will shoot back, "can you prove that?"
“I sure don't have the average job, ” Bradshaw said at the time, “but I know how depression and anxiety can affect how you feel about your work.
Anyway, if you are a runner out there and you get PaceMaker, feel free to send me an email or drop me a comment. I am always looking for feedback so I can improve the app.
If you feel very strongly and positively that you will do something in the future, you can say: I certainly would. Or I certainly will.
如果你非常肯定将来你要做某事,你可以说:icertainly would(我当然会的)或者i certainly will(我一定会的)。
When you feel unwell, you can describe your symptoms, for example feeling faint: faint / faint and weak: weak / weak and having a headache: a headache / a headache: I feel faint.
当你感觉不舒服时,你可以描述症状,如感觉晕:faint /晕和虚弱:weak /虚弱,还有头痛:aheadache /头痛:I feel faint.
I know I have to find you now. Can hear your name and don't know how. Why can't we make this darkness feel like home?
I feel you can reach your child, and if you can, it may be the greatest gift the angels have for you this year.
I see. I understand how you feel. If you don't mind, I can teach you some easy and useful Italian.
Catch yourself saying, "I can't", when you don't really mean it and instead try, "I can", and see how you think and feel about yourself.
If you often don't sleep well at night, and the next day I feel the need for a nap can energetic, may you have formed the bad sleep habits.
Actually you already feel me, and I can trace the quivering of your life tangled with my soul.
Actually you already feel me, and I can trace the quivering of your life tangled with my soul.