I can accept the world as it is … and at the same time, show my gratitude for what a wonderful world we have. And what wonderful people (such as you guys) are in my life.
I want to show you a simple technique that will help you identify which areas of your life are already in balance (and that make you happy) and which ones can still be improved.
And the reason I want to show you this is to notice that the recursion can be doubled.
And then I will show you that that can be converted back into forward motion in this case, it's very easy because the flywheel itself is the wheel.
Show me your entertainment budget and I can most likely tell you who your best customers are.
Now, I show how the CDT parser generates the AST and how you can traverse it with your own code.
接下来介绍 CDT解析器如何生成AST以及如何用您自己的代码对其进行遍历。
Then when it breaks, the stress here is actually lower than there, and this is something I can never show you in class, but I can explain to you why that happens.
I'm going to move on, and yes you can make an argument out of that but let me just move on and show you exactly why I say that.
If I find something can I stop by and show it to you before I get started?
If you are interested in education, I've tried to show you a little about how that's done, and I have faith you can learn the rest on your own.
And I think, if I can just borrow this camera, I was going to show you my invention, which I came up with. So, it's a normal-looking syringe.
Instead, I point you to the sample application for my latest book and post snippets of that example to show what Spring can do for you.
“Like this cup, ” said the master, “You are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?”
In this section I will show you how to create a Cloudscape database, and a table in that database that can be used for storing registered users.
I show you how you can reuse Web services — data-centric and business logic - from one or more SOAs and combine them into a composite application.
I also show how you can use the WordNet XML representation and server in search engine enhancement.
So now I'm going to use that random, which I brought in before, and show you that we can plot things other than simply curves.
And I am going to show you the means via vein diagram If I can find my pen.
I will show how you can set up a project on Google code, write an add-on using the command, publish and release it to outside world, finally registering it with the RooBot service.
“You can actually go to a trade show and see the products, ” Wuh said. “I see them benefiting directly.”
In this tutorial, I will show you the method I use to quickly and effectively clean out Body Hair in Photoshop, which you can use for a wide range of occasions in your Photoshop Retouch works.
I ask you to share your dreams with them and show them that our Foundation can do great things. Remember, when Rotary Shares, our dreams will come true.
I can show you a dozen more long trades and they will all look like this. Shorts are just the opposite.
I want to buy some food and vegetables. Can you show me the nearest free market?
I I am confident that my experience and references will show you that I can fulfill the particular requirements of your bookkeeping position.
Try to avoid using too much "I," and show how you can be a helpful addition to the company.
I like you, Dave, but I can show you no mercy. I'm going to have to crush you and WebTracker both.
I like you, Dave, but I can show you no mercy. I'm going to have to crush you and WebTracker both.