Then young man answers, "Because I have never seen a cow, and I wanted to know what it looks like. ""
年轻人回答道: 蟰“因为我从未见过奶牛,我只想知道它长得什么样。”
I'm embarrassed to admit this because it sounds so unprofessional, but I became fascinated by Egypt and I wanted to know why I didn't know anything about it.
This was a man I was considering staying in Nigeria for, and I wanted to know everything about him, to open him up and see his insides, not be told I wouldn't understand.
When I was young, I was so interested in Chinese movies that I wanted to know more about Chinese culture like Kungfu and Xiqu.
Still, I loved whatever it was he was doing and wanted to know more about him.
And yeah, I know you know how to do it, but let's think about what might happen if I wanted to do that.
I wanted the city's residents to know I cared about their problems and wanted to be a good neighbor.
For example, it took me a whole year to launch my blogging websiteas I wanted to be perfect and know everything about it first.
They wanted to know why a 20-year-old from Lebanon was fluent in Russian and Chinese and, more importantly, who was I working for?
It is a very delicate and difficult process for a young person to go through. I know because I was born Jewish and part of me wanted to go out into the world and be like all the Anglo Saxons.
In 1980, I was 10 years old and I know it's a very odd movie to be watching at that age, but I had a very cool mother who let me watch what I wanted.
Still, I wanted to know where in my home, office and wider world I should most forcefully brandish my disinfectant wipes and hand-sanitizer.
I didn't know if it was going to be a book, but I wanted to sit down and write about this time in my life for my children.
"I wasn't always there for them, and I wanted them to know why and to understand what I did", he added poignantly at his home in Palo Alto, California.
I persuaded Sculley that I was a big fan of Jobs, and had no interest in digging dirt. What I wanted to know was: How does he do it?
I wanted to make an assumption that the data in my application was just values from a table. I wanted my data model to know how to search, sort, traverse and modify that data.
Now I know that he just wanted to get rid of some useless books and make some money.
It's hard to know why I listened, I'm not even sure I know today, but no more than five minutes into my initial interview with Steve, I wanted to throw caution and logic to the wind and join Apple.
I kind of wanted to know about about veterinary school and how one starts their our practice (other professions fascinate me to no end), but I don't think that's what she wants to talk about.
I just wanted to let you know that I really and truly still love you but I know you will never be mine.
Next I wanted to know what pushed and what didn't and for the stuff that didn't how often information was updated.
You might already know this and be okay with it, but I just wanted to fill you in just in case you didn’t know.
I wanted to know how it is possible, without having a maze of strings attached to one's fingers, to move the separate limbs and extremities in the rhythm of the dance.
What, the unsmiling waiter wanted to know, did I think I was doing, coming to his restaurant and opening the broom cupboard door. Stop it immediately.
I told him that I was praying for him and wanted him to know that, no matter what, Jesus and I loved him.
I also wanted to know if it was actually possible to live without the stuff. I looked around my flat and the truth dawned that everything in it had come wrapped, packed or capped in plastic.
I also wanted to know if it was actually possible to live without the stuff. I looked around my flat and the truth dawned that everything in it had come wrapped, packed or capped in plastic.