Didn't I tell you, Martha called to say her daughter was ill and they could not go tonight.
They wash their faces with dirty water, get ill and go blind.
Having been ill for a long time, she was very weak and couldn't go outside.
Be good to her, John Kirwan, and wherever your horses go I will watch that no ill follows them; but you will never see me more.
基尔文,你要对她好些,无论你的马在哪,我都保证它们不受疾病侵扰;不过,你再也不会见到我了。” 说罢,他便化作空气,消失不见。
The only son of King Louis VII of France fell dangerously ill and his distraught father took the astonishing decision to go to Canterbury.
In this scenario, ill-written software itself intended to patch the Y2K glitch might go overboard and read an intentional 9999 end-of-file value as a date and convert it into an explicit 1999 date.
No need to go white-faced wearing zinc oxide anymore, just to protect against short UVB rays and longer UVA rays, said Dr. Amy Derick, a board-certified dermatologist in Barrington, Ill.
And we think it is very sad that very ill people have to travel thousands of kilometres to go to a liberal country to die there.
And as you can see, some people are always critically ill but they go on living for ever.
They took a risk, but everybody knows that Alloa is a sick man and is often too ill to go to meetings.
The angel of the Lord said to her, Go back to your mistress and submit to her ill-treatment.
Colleagues fall ill, to visit him. It is natural that sitting on his bed, and then go home and wash hands carefully.
Free body-examining If you go to get examined, you always become ill and the medicine they sell is the very cure.
Later, the boy became very ill and he could no longer go outside and play in the sun.
To work this out will mean running longer-term trials in which smokers of conventional and reduced-risk products are followed to see how many them go on to become ill.
He was very ill at the end but refused to go to hospital and his wife J looked after him at home with support from the rural doctor.
Be like ill factitious singer or oratorical, need tongue campaign is slick person, cannot go facial nerve - hypoglossal nerve be identical, and as advisable as accessory nerve be identical.
The last summer I had plans to travel to Beijing, because I was ill and did not go there.
The woman wanted to go and see her mother, her mother was ill and in hospital.
If you start feeling ill with cold or flu-like symptoms, don't go to school or work. Stay at home and begin the usual home treatment for colds and flu.
You are ill. You cannot sing Margarita tonight. Stay at home and don't go to the Opera House.
To be cycling in a sandstorm is frightening. The winds are very strong. It's difficult to breathe and the dust makes me ill. So if you want to go out, you'd better wear a mask.
She dares go alone, and unfold sheep in the night, and fears no manner of ill, because she means none;
She dares go alone, and unfold sheep in the night, and fears no manner of ill, because she means none;