And in so doing, the loneliness shall subside and be replaced with the joy and love of soul.
If you're unhappy with your self, you can change your beliefs, and in so doing, change your world.
And in so doing, they facilitate the integration of various resources across multiple organizations.
He has built an international empire, and in so doing has changed the face of television around the world.
I urge members of both parties to support Judge Gorsuch, and in so doing, to protect our laws and our freedoms.
If a player removes a part of something fixed and in so doing improves his line of play, he is in breach of Rule 13-2.
如果这名球员为了改进打球路线而移动一部分栅栏,他就违反了规则13 - 2。
All kingdoms love our human brothers and sisters, who have fallen into great forgetfulness, and in so doing, are our teachers.
During this period children pick up the basics of language easily, and in so doing establish essential cognitive infrastructure.
They are most anxious to please you, and in so doing are fulfilling their own purpose and wish to help you fulfil your life plan.
Spruce trees typically grow close together and in so doing they must grow very tall and fast in order to obtain necessary sunlight.
Their good nature leads them to do more than their own share of work, and in so doing they may neglect their own particular mission in life.
Other dictionaries delve a little deeper into the etymology of geisha and in so doing expose a little more sensitive treatment of what a geisha might be.
It turned out that Webb had overcharged his clients, and in so doing, had injured the Rose firm and reduced the income of all his partners, including Hillary.
We hope that by collaborating, rather than competing, we can achieve this, and in so doing, exploit the critical mass of outstanding researchers in London.
Doing this kind of simple detox several times a week, one's immune system will become much stronger and in so doing prevent one from getting the spring cold.
只要你一周吃几次就能达到排毒的目的。 甚至还能加强免疫力防止春寒感冒呢。
As such, it ADAPTS the presupposed information in the information flow of discourse, and in so doing renders the discourse consistent with the principle of economy.
Over time, one will transcend all harmful patterning, and in so doing, restructure the form to a regenerative nature that can ascend to the next dimension with earth.
As one stands back and views the larger picture, one can see how one is settling ancient ancestral karma, and in so doing, is finding one's way to liberation and freedom again.
If you are already married, the two of you may cook up a brand new goal to work on together, and in so doing find your relationship is energized and revitalized almost instantly!
And in so doing what you've created is essentially a complete, as best you can understanding of how systems can fail and what the consequences of those failures might do to the core.
The company also has clever algorithms with which to direct customers to available films and TV shows likely to interest them, and in so doing make the gaps in its catalogue less noticeable.
The eggs of these insects have become featureless and round again, like lizard eggs, and in so doing also become more vulnerable and in need of care, like our own young. Yet they survive.
These global health initiatives have gathered knowledge along the way, and in so doing, they have shed light on a cause of much ill health in this world: weak and inequitable health systems.
These global health initiatives have gathered knowledge along the way, and in so doing, they have shed light on a cause of much ill health in this world: weak and inequitable health systems.