Unemployment has fallen sharply this year, but it still stands above 10%, and among the young, the unskilled and in the east it is much higher.
The peace with Egypt and Jordan has long served as an anchor of stability and peace in the heart of the Middle East.
Social media is used by extremists in the Middle East and elsewhere to seek and brainwash recruits.
Some 61% used contraceptives, just a few percentage points short of the 65-80% rate prevailing in Europe, North America and most of East Asia.
East Prussia and the rest of Germany were separated, in 1919, by the Polish Corridor.
Both sides say they want to try to reach a political settlement in the embattled north and east of the island.
Heil mentioned that great white sharks migrated to the east coast of the United States in summer, and this coast is where people gather at sea.
We are still in the exploratory stages of this project, although what's noteworthy is that East Asians on average sleep about an hour and a half less each night than North Americans do.
Because of the barrier of ice to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and populated areas to the north, there may have been a greater impetus for people to move in a southerly direction.
About 5,000 years ago the Egyptians and other people in the Near East began to use pictures as a kind of writing.
Its heroine is a pregnant young woman who survives the catastrophe only to say later: "Nobody wanted to hear about it, not here in the West (of Germany) and not at all in the East."
The device appears to have evolved no later than the fifth century B.C., perhaps independently in different regions of the Middle and the Far East.
The accessions of Arcadius and Honorius as emperors in the East and West respectively illustrate the unfortunate pattern of child heirs that had unfavorable effects for both empires.
Now almost 2 days can see I and east wind appear in the company's downstair billiards room.
Snakes are symbols of renewed life and fertility in the East; because they shed their skins so they seem to be eternally young.
A few blocks east of Gratiot, multicoloured polka dots, stripes and squiggles appear on the street, then the houses explode in a riot of colours and textures.
I'm a psychology professor at the University of British Columbia, I specialize in cultural psychology, examining similarities and differences between East Asians and North Americans.
The Navy Department moved into the east wing in 1879, where elaborate wall and ceiling stenciling and marquetry floors decorated the office of the Secretary.
Trade was the mainstay of the urban economy in the Middle East, as caravans negotiated the surrounding desert, restricted only by access to water and by mountain ranges.
And when game moved out of the lowlands in early spring, the expedition decided to return east rather than face possible starvation.
The earliest of the city states of the ancient Near East appeared at the southern end of the Mesopotamian plain, the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is now Iraq.
I read French and German at Howland College, Cambridge and stayed there to take my Ph.D in the dialects of North-East France.
The sun rises in the East, the hope rises in the East, the Dragon rises in the East, and China rises in the east.
It is suggested that 5,000-6,000 years ago people in the Middle East and North Africa started to allot specific lengths of time to tasks.
In the following centuries, increasingly sophisticated waterpower mills were built throughout the Roman Empire and beyond its boundaries in the Middle East and northern Europe.
However, travelers to Antarctica have repeatedly reported seeing green icebergs in the Weddell Sea and, more commonly, close to the Amery Ice Shelf in East Antarctica.
With the result that in another 10 years, you could see China, India, the Middle East, and the EU in this huge economic bloc.
Everyone knows that the sun rises in the east and sets down in the west.
Three shuttle exhibits on the East Coast, one of the West Coast, and nothing in between.
Three shuttle exhibits on the East Coast, one of the West Coast, and nothing in between.