You seem very focused on a partner and it seems as though you'll draw up plans in one respect or another.
Just like humans, birds have extremely large brains for their bodies and it seems as though this specific communication is another commonality.
Now, we look back and it seems as though we've had a good run under the circumstances having not lost a game yet, and we're satisfied with the position we're in.
And if we are not willing to accept that implication, it seems as though we need to reject the soul theory of personal identity.
Even Mumbai's economy, successful though it seems, has been growing less fast than the economies of such places as Bengalooru (Bangalore), Chennai and Hyderabad.
If that's right, then it seems as though there'd be something irrational and inappropriate about simply disregarding those facts.
It seems I have stayed home without exercise for a long time. My belly is stealthily getting bigger and bigger as though I haven't notice it.
It seems as though the more introverted appearing box with bed rooms on the first floor and balconies, is floating above the living area.
I mean, you do what your mind says, sometimes it even seems to work, and then somehow it seems as though the concerns and worries are getting bigger, no smaller. They are more important, not less.
The Rossoneri have been linked with the Gunner's hit-man and it seems as if they are favourites to sign him even though Arsenal are playing hardball.
According to that article, it seems as though China is about to encounter a big calamity or insolvency and a major disaster is looming close by.
Seems to compel people to operate it (much like the Resurrection Glove, though the effect is not quite as severe), and makes you experience the traumatic emotions of the event itself.
It seems as though they really haven't solved the problem for us and so we continue to look at ways of either taking combinations of measures to try to stratify risk.
That shoe has so much grace and daintiness, it is so impossible for it to walk, that it seems to the mother as though she saw her child.
It seems as though we need people to tell us what to do and how to do it.
It seems as though I am always running into Chiu at various 3d printing conferences and expos, and he is always one of the most friendly guys I speak with.
好像我经常在各种3d打印会议和展会上碰到Joseph Chiu,他是一个我交谈中最友好的一个家伙。
Though it seems to be growing, obstacles like those Ivan faces are helping to keep it much smaller as a share of employment and GDP than in Western countries.
It seems as though your eyes had flown away, and it seems that a kiss had sealed your mouth.
It seems as though your eyes had flown away. And it seems that a kiss had sealed your mouth!
It seems as though your eyes had flown away. And it seems that a kiss had sealed your mouth!