Comparing with the young boys who are struggling for the living and make ends meet, young girls prefer to choose Da Shu.
There are a number of fresh university graduates in Shanghai, who, unable to find stable employment, have turned to part-time and low-paying jobs to utilize their time and make ends meet.
Even those with undergraduate and graduate degrees are not immune-many end up without jobs or with low paying ones that have nothing to do with their studies just to make ends meet.
One reason many people simply make ends meet and never have enough money is that they condemn money.
Unfortunately, when times get hard, many people turn to credit CARDS to help them make ends meet... and only dig themselves into a deeper hole.
So this plan is going to help millions of families to make ends meet, through tax cuts and unemployment insurance for people who've lost their jobs by no fault of their own.
Even the employees in big city are hocking their Rolex watches and diamond necklaces to make ends meet in the economic downturn.
And you can always moonlight with a part-time venture in the initial stages while taking a temporary job to make ends meet.
With unemployment stubbornly high, more homes in foreclosure and the economic outlook dim, many children who visit Santa are all too aware of the struggle to make ends meet.
If so you are much better placed than people who are burdened with excessive debts and who struggle to make ends meet.
The rising prices of daily necessities, including food, water, gas and electricity, are also making grads pinch every penny to make ends meet.
Throughout history, writershave relied on day jobs, teaching, grants, inheritances, translation, licensing, and other varied sources to make ends meet.
Those who move to the city don't usually fare better: with rural-urban migration and job competition at an all-time high, many women find themselves forced to enter prostitution to make ends meet.
So this plan is going to help millions of families to make ends meet, through tax cuts and unemployment insurance for people who’ve lost their jobs by no fault of their own.
Unemployment makes you wonder how you are going to make ends meet, what you will do if you become ill and what you are going to do next.
Even for those who don't have children to support, taking on extra work can help make ends meet and allow them to save a little money.
Because of how small their farms are and how far rice prices have fallen, many farmers find it impossible to make ends meet.
And too many Americans whose livelihoods have fallen prey to the worst recession in our lifetimes - a recession that cost our economy eight million jobs - still wonder how they'll make ends meet.
"You have to be a jack-of-all-trades up here," a local later told me. "Got to do some carpentry, fishing, digging for clams and picking blueberries to make ends meet."
“You have to be a jack-of-all-trades up here, ” a local later told me. “Got to do some carpentry, fishing, digging for clams and picking blueberries to make ends meet.”
And it would affect thousands of construction workers and their families who depend on the jobs created by these projects to make ends meet.
Others cannot make ends meet without several cards, even though they run the risk of late fees and high interest rates.
She was a very hard worker, and in order to make ends meet, she hardly ever rested.
Whether it's a Tiffany diamond or a three-year-old lawnmower, more and more Americans from all social classes are pawning their possessions to make ends meet.
Even though we struggled to make ends meet, they stressed to me and my four brothers and sisters how fortunate we were to live in a great country with limitless opportunities.
His father, a police officer in their middle-class Los Angeles community of Torrance, worked extra jobs to make ends meet and was often gone 16 hours a day.
To make the ends meet, the characteristics of Chinese brand names and cultural factors, including the designative meaning, the linguistic meaning and the pragmatic meaning, are better to be known.
Despite a robust social safety net - including free education and health care - there are poor Saudis, and many in the middle class barely make ends meet.
Wanda and I had only a little money, although we had been able to make ends meet with the Social Security disability payments and Veterans Administration checks we had been receiving.
Wanda and I had only a little money, although we had been able to make ends meet with the Social Security disability payments and Veterans Administration checks we had been receiving.