They may feel envious that they weren't also able to get up and leave. And they may feel threatened that their friend will make new friends and forget them.
A true friend will be eager to help and will not think any less of you, nor make you feel diminished for asking.
Make the Sandman your best friend when you use these tips to achieve REM, or rapid eye movement sleep — and experience its restorative benefits.
Make a pact with your spouse or a friend. Set a dollar amount as your monthly or weekly allowance and agree that you won't spend more than that.
Make several photocopies of your passport, leaving one with a friend or relative and packing at least two in your luggage.
Cultivating your own honesty, generosity and humility will enhance your self-esteem and make you a more compassionate and appealing friend.
But that doesn't make it any easier to say goodbye to a dear friend and trusted colleague.
Most important, don't Pierce yourself or have a friend do it - make sure it's done by a professional in a safe and clean environment.
You possess an iron will, a strong ego and a unique personal magnetism. You make a loyal friend and a passionate lover.
I'd be her shoulder to cry on and her best friend and I'd spend everyday trying to think of how to make her laugh.
Make quick lists of someactions you think of as uncontroversially morally good ones and morally badones and ask a friend to do the same.
Having a support system, whether it's a friend, family or running club, can make training less daunting and ultimately more rewarding.
Your gut instinct is to do everything possible to help them out and make them feel better. But what happens if your friend is being abused?
I was chatting with my friend Fred and he was lamenting the very high mortgage payments he had to make.
Be punctual for appointments and let your friend know if you'll be late or can't make it at all.
Anyone contemplating a pot belly as a pet should know that if you are a true pet lover and devote yourself to them, a pot belly will make the most wonderful friend.
Leave them with Dad for the evening and make plans to have dinner with a friend.
Find or make a friend who speaks French well, and make an effort to practice your French with this friend.
I saw you make a meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I learned that we all have to help take care of each other.
My friend Stu Roseman is hacking together yet another web service to make email easier and I was testing it last week.
我的朋友Stu Roseman现正在破解另一个网络服务,以使得邮箱的使用更加容易些。我上周测试了一下。
Ten minutes later, she called her mother's mobile phone - she had bumped into a female friend, she said, and would make her own way back home.
You could make up messages and encrypt them, and your friend could use the code to decode the message.
Remind your child that being a good friend, especially to shy and quiet children, is one way to make friends.
In 1949, a friend bought him a cottage in Wales so he could go home, and another friend arranged for him to make a lecture tour in America.
I learn so much about happiness from watching my daughter with her friend — seeing the way they care for each other, copy each other, sing together, even fight and make up.
Jack met Obama, she recalls, through a friend of a friend who thought he'd make a good subject for her black-and-white portraits.
Make a quick phone call - call your mom, your sister, your brother or friend and make or confirm plans for tomorrow.
If you get a "friend" request from an old flame, talk with your spouse about whether you should reply and how that will make your spouse feel.
If you get a "friend" request from an old flame, talk with your spouse about whether you should reply and how that will make your spouse feel.