You can take a cue from GCC: maintain many sets of environment variables per application and switch from one pool to another depending on the work at-hand.
The town contained several large streets all very like one another, and many small streets still more like one another, inhabited by people equally like one another.
In fact, you can take a cue from GCC: Maintain many sets of environment variables per application and switch from one pool to another depending on the work at-hand.
But this is the first time so many have been persuaded to build replicas of themselves in another country, a more permanent and riskier proposition.
The consequences have been highly contagious, moving quickly from one country to another, and from one sector of the economy to many others.
Another practical point is that the type of malarial parasite used in this and many other experiments is not actually one that causes human disease.
While some of the emails that landed in my inbox were touchingly kind and generous, many were downright grasping, as young women seized the chance to cash in on another woman's misery and misfortune.
Acute liver failure can cause many complications, including excessive bleeding and increasing pressure in the brain. Another term for acute liver failure is fulminant hepatic failure.
Another bigchange in recent years is that Chinahas signed many deals with the regime to exploit Myanmar’s rich mineral and hydrocarbonsresources.
Another underlying cause has been the drop in global spot prices and freight rates, which has driven many domestic miners of lower grade ore out of business.
Another aspect of building discipline within the development cycle is to understand and measure many of the metrics hidden within your code base.
Many of the problems that a team faces will be centered around individuals and the way that they interact with one another.
Using m17n, a single binary can display French on one system and Mongolian on another or even display text from many languages on the same screen.
In Libya, another war of choice, you are now confronted with many of the same contradictions, impossible choices, and hard decisions that these other conflicts pose.
In places, the nodes have many connections with their neighbours, but the network also contains random and often long links between nodes that are very far away from one another.
Another mistake made by new website designers is that they tend to put in too many ads and pop-ups for the purpose of revenue.
Another noticeable feature of this year's conference was that consultants and gurus were more in the background; many presenters were new to the conference and brought new ideas.
In the 17th century and 18th centuries progress began to be made in the simplification and standardization of silk manufacture, with many advances following one after another.
Another area where you can influence how many threads are available to a component (and the pool from which these threads are taken) is in messaging.
Another food with a long pedigree and which seems to have many benefits on the brain is usually served as a beverage, tea.
So, given this, what's the genetic basis for the many ways, notably the cognitive ways, that humans and chimps are different from one another?
This month I'll focus on navigation and page flow starting with a feature many have asked for-the ability to post to another page.
No wonder, then, that the spectre of the worst recession since the Depression led many to fear another descent into protectionism and a similar decline in trade.
Another area of importance for many office suite users is the availability of additional extensions, templates, and enhancements to the base application.
And Rio has another big enemy: militias run by retired and off-duty police and fire officers now control as many favelas as the drug gangs.
Positive and negative seem so far from one another yet, in so many ways, they can be derived from the very same things.
OWL permits multiple inheritance, allows for many classes to share the same property, and allows properties themselves to inherit from one another.
OWL permits multiple inheritance, allows for many classes to share the same property, and allows properties themselves to inherit from one another.