He set them in place for ever and ever; he gave a decree that will never pass away.
If the truth be known coronary artery disease is a toothless paper tiger that need never, ever exist and if it does exist it need never, ever progress.
I also have always had talent, self-confidence, and have never ever lost a single friend. Ever.
Never, ever, EVER, would I spend time working on a site, finish it, and then hope a client likes it.
Now we will never know, and don't let anyone ever suggest to you that you will ever know, what Milton could possibly mean by this deliberately perplexing image of the two-handed engine at the door.
We had never heard of this condition before and doctors said they have only ever heard of one other case ever.
I've gotten pretty far in my life, and as far as I can tell I've never, ever, ever had to remember the capitals of the 50 states.
And AIs will move ever faster and ever more efficiently at resolving these questions, never quite having enough answers.
The co-founder of Google got divorced in 2015. If Swift ever wants to settle down and start a family, she'd never need to worry about money ever again with Brin.
You were the first person that I had a slow dance with. The first one I 've ever felt this way about. The first I could ever tell such secrets to and never feel any remorse or regret.
Results Of 700 teachers surveyed, 59.1% never smoked, 18.1% ever tried to smoke, 1.86% ever smoked daily, and 10.1% smoked currently.
Results Of 700 teachers surveyed, 59.1% never smoked, 18.1% ever tried to smoke, 1.86% ever smoked daily, and 10.1% smoked currently.