And no one really knows why that happened.
Tabasco sauce or anything hot is great during a hangover and no one really knows why.
With so much bad debt out there - and no one really knows how much there is - Banks around the world have become extremely risk-averse.
Lack of consensus - competing ways of doing some new thing exist and no one really knows for certain which way the market is going to go.
After that I still did not know what to make of fiscal policy other than it is complicated, messy, hard to time properly, and no one really knows how effective it can be.
Underground lending solves a huge problem for private companies. But no one knows exactly where all that credit is really going - and nobody seems able to control it.
And really, no one knows what sweet dreams are made of, why we have them or even what we're doing sleeping our life away anyway.
Counting the cost of global warming is hard because no one really knows how much to attribute to climate change and how much to other factors.
No one really knows why, of all M&M colors, green took the role of aphrodisiac, but Mars, Inc. suggests the myth plays on the color's ancient association with love and fertility.
No matter how great an architecture is, not matter how beautiful the code looks, no one really knows if the system will perform satisfactorily and if it will scale.
Short of peering at each loan and derivative, no one really knows what skeletons (if any) are lurking in Barclays’ vaults.
Although Man has always watched the planets and stars in wonder, no one really knows who practiced astrology first.
No one really knows what the memory of Qingdao to Ji-zhen, and how it would affects her heart, but Ji-zhen has indeed changed, she only likes to talk with foreign people.
Czeisler: no one really knows what the function of sleep is, although the leading hypothesis is that sleep's core function relates to the repair and reorganization of brain cells.
You are not one of them, I stand out of the door, no sadness, Nobody really knows other's lonely and grief.
No one really knows what knowledge and skills will be important to you later in life.
"No one really knows what I'm yelling," he said, "but they remember my song and this brings them out of their house."
"No one really knows what I'm yelling," he said, "but they remember my song and this brings them out of their house."