In bullet point lines, capitalize the first word and no other words unless they normally appear capped.
We orphans, we have no countries and no Other persons who could console our little eyes.
There are 34 out of top 100 Alexa sites that use Flash plugins and no other kinds of plugins are used.
Regular soft drinks are very high in sugar, which means lot of calories and no other nutrient benefits.
I had a lot of images of different types with lost file extensions and no other way of classifying them.
Higher fevers, combined with vomiting, diarrhea and no other signs or symptoms, may warrant a doctor's visit.
Then any upgrades to existing Web projects will simply replace tomahawk.jar and no other steps will be necessary.
以后所有对已存在Web项目的升级操作,都只需简单的替换tomahawk.jar ,而不需要其他的步骤了。
That night I just felt a little weary and no other symptoms of cold appeared, so I thought I was totally well.
A change that affects a closed package [or subsystem] affects all the classes in that package and no other packages.
Though this is a major enhancement, merely procedures or functions in ESQL — and no other language — can be implemented.
"According to the doctor, there was only a small hole in his stomach, and no other injuries were found in his other organs, " one post said.
If your Web site is just getting off the ground and no other site in the search index links to yours, the search engines haven't discovered it.
This use of the stop node is correct, because task 4 is the last executing task of this process and no other activities execute in parallel.
Effectively, each test phase has access to input appropriate and complete information for the distinct objectives of that phase and no other.
For some people, dinner time works well - everyone sits down to dinner together as a family, and no other activities are planned at that time.
SH-1 in term of weight of moulding powders, and no other curing agent is needed. Follow the processing steps of moulding powders mixing with former curing agent.
And because each global variable has session scope, every session has its own private value that it can manipulate and use and no other session can access that value.
Mr Sparrow and Mr Zoshi, by contrast, reckon they can produce that much fresh water with less than 1 kWh of electricity, and no other paid-for source of power is needed.
One summer, Gates contracted to write a class scheduling program for his high school. He made sure to "preload" himself into an English class with a dozen girls and no other boys.
For example, the next two queries may return the same result, but only if all "price" elements encountered during the query execution have a single text node and no other child nodes.
The growing health and education sectors, with highly specific skills requirements, can absorb only so many workers per year, and no other sector promises consistent employment growth.
I don't envy the young ones who've become TV superstars and know no other world.
Your job is to just say no to laziness, lust, greed, drug use and the other sins.
When the Lumière Brothers and other pioneers began showing off this new invention, it was by no means obvious how it would be used.
Furthermore, they did it all without the advantages of the other teams and with no previous experience.
It was as if her other two children had done the same, and it was no comfort to her that Chuck and Philip had taken her side.
No other European country had so much state ownership and so few privately owned businesses.
A fundamental difference between paintings and other art forms is that there is no prescribed time over which a painting is viewed.
Their "scoreboard" requires little or no interaction from the user other than to look and to wear an active badge.
Their "scoreboard" requires little or no interaction from the user other than to look and to wear an active badge.