A couple of years later, I read the English version of this book and not long ago, I fortunately read the Chinese version as well.
Not long ago, when his cat died, he cried and understood grief for the first time.
Not long ago, researches learned that four-day olds could understand addition and subtraction.
Not very long ago, it was also unthinkable that a virus would shut down nations and that safety nets would be proven so disastrously lacking in flexibility.
That newspaper paragraph he had read so long ago had been true, after all. The first-class magazines did not pay on acceptance, and they paid well.
We should have expected them, and yet they came as a surprise and made us reflect on what had occurred not that long ago in the fields we were passing.
It sounds fanciful. But so too, not that long ago, did rapid and routine intercontinental air travel.
NOT long ago economists and policymakers in America clung to hopesthat the economy, after lurching through the depths of a financialcrisis earlier this year, would rebound in the second six months.
In fact, there was a time when you were never connected to the online world (not that long ago) and (gasp!) you survived.
The second caveat is that once you look at the euro and the yen, the dollar has been here before, and not that long ago.
Not long ago, when his cat died, he cried and understood grief for the first time, but he knows he is difficult to live with because he cannot grasp what others are feeling.
NOT long ago, the value of companies resided mostly in things you could see and touch.
PV: Not that long ago, they felt maybe they could eventually eliminate their branch offices, and customers would be content to interact with them through ATM-type systems and call centers.
PV:不久以前,他们认为他们可能最终将会取消他们的分支办公室,客户将对通过AT M类的系统与他们互动和呼叫中心感到满意。
Not long ago, newspapers and magazines reported that, by the end of the century, redheads, of whom I am one, will be extinct. Gone.
Not long ago, Castresana contacted me again, and for the first time in a while he sounded enthused.
That any traces at all remain from so long ago is astounding, and anyway it is not the completeness of the fossil record but its consistency that matters.
Not too long ago, scientists had to hoof it to the library to review the literature. And they had to flip through a card catalog to find that dusty old volume with the article they wanted.
The researchers say the scene depictsthe dramatic - and violent - clashes that were taking place long, long ago, in a galaxy not very far away.
This photo was taken several months ago, just before he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and not long before my daughter was born.
Not so long ago this room, with its Arabic texts and Webster's dictionary, was for studious children. Now it is home to prisoners of war.
Here I was, totally lost, in my home country, in a State where I lived for 4 years not that long ago, my residence then being only about an hour's drive from this spot, and nobody speaks my language.
Not so long ago that would have been the preserve of an elite group of companies and institutions which had the necessary financial and technical clout to perform such feats.
Technological feats such as self-driving cars and voice-recognition and translation programmes, not long ago a distant hope, are now realities.
Not so long ago I was an expectant father. I had questions, a lot of questions actually, and what I found was very few good places to get answers.
Not long ago, with the country entering a recessing and Japan at its prebubble peak, the U.S. workforce was derided as poorly educated and one of primary cause of the poor U.S. economic performance.
Greece was hit by the sovereign debt crisis not long ago and stands at a critical moment of overcoming difficulties.
A very long time ago when I was a horse in a previous experience, I remember I was not very well treated; and I hated the experience of being a horse.
It got into television 30 years ago and moved into financial services not long after; Mondadori was acquired in 1991.
It got into television 30 years ago and moved into financial services not long after; Mondadori was acquired in 1991.