Gayle: And not only that, you can ask for a problem to be solved in your sleep.
We can go back in time and reveal exactly what has taken place, and not only that can prove who was involved.
So if the bees weren't here to do that, our crops would also be reducing and not only that, it affects another creature.
His eyesight is still sharp, and not only that, he still goes to work six days a week at a post office in the eastern state of Maryland.
Since our only stability is change, America seems not to honor the quiet work that achieves social interdependence and stability.
The U.S. is also the only advanced economy that does not guarantee workers paid vacation time, and it's one of only two countries in the world that does not offer guaranteed paid maternity leave.
We're only going for half an hour, and you're not going to buy anything. Is that clear?
The thinking in each chapter uses at most only elementary arithmetic, and sometimes not even that.
It's not your parents, your past relationships or your job, but you and only you that are responsible for every goal you set.
You can not only browse discussions and questions that your classmates have asked, but you can certainly ask questions of your own.
The toxic substances that fear, anger, frustration and stress produce not only kill guinea pigs but kill us off in a similar manner.
If you plan properly, you'll know that you only need, say, 350g of beef and six rashers of bacon, not whatever weight is prepacked in the supermarket chiller.
Lately, however, twin studies have helped lead scientists to a radical new conclusion: that nature and nurture are not the only elemental forces at work.
Not only does that threaten to rub off on users, it's bad for recruitment and retention of talented hackers, who are the lifeblood of Zuckerberg's creation.
The ability of a species to compete and adapt to a gradually changing environment is not the only ability that is essential for survival.
And one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help us sleep and feel better.
I started exercising regularly two years ago and went from 253 pounds to a healthy 160 pounds and that is the only thing I did not give up halfway.
The error here is far too deep: not only do humans need nature for themselves, but the very idea that humanity and the natural world are separable things is profoundly damaging.
Scientists also found that the only real and relaxing laughter works not just polite laughter.
Not only that, it supports a number of platforms: Apple's iOS, Google's Android and Microsoft's Windows phone.
Keeping things short and sweet not only shows people that you are concise and don't waffle, but that you also know what you want.
One day, I came across a book called In Praise of Slowness and realized that being busy is not only detrimental, but also has the danger of turning life into an endless race.
This means that not only clothing but lipstick, nails, and even hair will all be worn in various shades of berry red.
Then, one day, I came across a book called In Praise of Slowness and realized that being busy is not only detrimental, but also has the danger of turning life into an endless race.
"We're learning that student success requires a more comprehensive approach, one that incorporates not only academic skills but also social, self-regulatory and attention skills," Dodge said.
It is not only tuna but sardine, mackerel and other fish that are in decline.
Copper's excellent conduction of electricity and heat means that it is used not only to cable and pipe the globe.
Copper's excellent conduction of electricity and heat means that it is used not only to cable and pipe the globe.