Many traditional stories tell us to be honest and keep our promises.
Each Republican in the region promises to trim spending and keep taxes low.
As donors in a difficult budget environment, we have striven to keep our promises and we are calling on our international partners to do the same.
If we do not maintain the current momentum for better health, stay the course, keep our promises, and stick to our goals, a bad situation is certain to get worse.
If the sparks aren't there, end your meeting graciously, without making any promises you don't intend to keep, and wish them the best.
Thus one cannot rationally assert that everyone should break their promises and hence, argued Kant, we have a duty as rational creatures to keep them.
Even so, the Banks insisted that they would still make decisions "on commercial terms", despite making promises to keep lending to small businesses and homeowners.
When it comes to jobs and industry, the French seem to doubt his ability to keep his promises.
Action: Learn how to negotiate and keep agreements - keeping promises builds trust.
Voters are beginning to doubt his ability to keep his promises, especially about stopping job losses and industrial relocation to low-cost countries.
Then, when their countries’ emissions keep rising anyway, they convene to make new promises and swear that they really, really mean it this time.
You make and keep promises. You show up. You do what you tell yourself you're going to do.
By contrast, if you make and keep promises, it is quite possible that your satisfied client will sing your praises and recommend you to others.
For we do not have the right to make promises unless we have the ability to keep them and this ability requires of course that we be reminded of them.
It promises to keep customers' sites up and running 99.95% of the year, or it will shave 10% off customers' monthly bills.
The 22-year-old sprinter knows she faces red-hot competition from a star-studded line-up but promises to keep her head high and proud, even if she finishes last.
Illyqueen, a popular Taiwanese blogger, recently ranted about “Mama's boys” in their 30s who have had “no hardships, no housework, [and who] …have lost the ability to keep promises (like marriage).
Illyqueen, a popular Taiwanese blogger, recently ranted about “Mama’s boys” in their 30s who have had “no hardships, no housework, [and who] …have lost the ability to keep promises (like marriage).”
Now that regulations of WTO have been in effect in China, we should abide by its basic law principles and keep our promises to the world.
Keep a clear mind to the ridiculous promises and flattering words. Never follow a boy to another city or somewhere.
To be trustworthy should keep their promises and abide by the credit.
After Midea made promises to shield Kuka's data and keep its business locations and jobs in place, Kuka's board recommended last week that shareholders accept the offer.
You'll be inclined to say things you don't mean and make promises you probably won't keep.
Promises are important, and we all want to keep them, but sometimes emergencies happen that change our plans.
That's good because the American generation now reaching middle age has a lot of promises to keep - not to mention mortgages to carry, tuition to pay and lawns to mow.
With the inside-out approach, private victories precede public victories. These private victories are simply promises you make to yourself and others and then keep.
With the inside-out approach, private victories precede public victories. These private victories are simply promises you make to yourself and others and then keep.