Some people made it as far as a doctor's surgery, only to pass out and die within minutes.
Some 9 million people become ill with active TB and nearly 2 million die each year.
For some reason, people occasionally predict the same outcome from giving away software: Everyone will use the free software, but no one will contribute, and it'll die off from bitrot.
As with seasonal flu, some people will get very sick and some of them will die.
Even the most gifted physician can't always tell us why some people recover, while others with the same illness, and similar mitigating factors, quickly deteriorate and die.
Some AIDS people even conceived the notion of death, to die this way to leave this sad and lost the sad place.
But with 10 to 20 per cent of people worldwide getting flu every year, that still adds up to a huge burden of illness - and even in a good year some half a million die.
但是,全球每年有10% - 20%的人感染流感,这意味着流感依旧是一项巨大的疾病负担,即使在情况较好的年份里(指流感感染人数较少,译者注),每年仍有大约50万人死于流感。
Some 5 million people die every year from tobacco-related heart attacks, strokes and cancers, including 1.5 million women, according to WHO.
On average, a magnitude 8 quake strikes somewhere every year and some 10, 000 people die in earthquakes annually.
Many people suffer from sub-health, which can result in both physical and mental diseases, the worse situation is that some people may die of sub-health prematurely.
Some people may also become extremely frightened and think, 'If I stop breathing altogether surely I will die'.
Some people...... who are factually innocent will not get DNA testing and will languish in prison. Some of them will die in prison.
And the figure was that some 2,000 people Die as a result of accidents each year using cell phones.
Those medicines are inferior ones. It is caused by such medicines that some old people live no better than die and ask for euthanasia.
Some of the worst-off patients join the waiting list for a heart transplant, but donor hearts are scarce and many people die while waiting.
Without further improvements in TB prevention, early diagnosis and treatment, some 8 million people will die of TB between now and 2015.
I must confess that because of my lack in wisdom some lives were not released on time and ended up to die, and others were picked up by people after the tide ebbs.
All things die, easy to arouse a sense of sadness, and some people will become unhappy, bored, energy and physical decline significantly;
万物凋零,容易引起人们悲伤之感, 北京保健按摩有的人会变得郁郁寡欢,百无聊赖,精力和体力明显衰退;
The expert estimates that more than half a billion people go to bed hungry every night and some 15 million children die before they reach the age of five because they don't get enough to eat.
The expert estimates that more than half a billion people go to bed hungry every night and some 15 million children die before they reach the age of five because they don't get enough to eat.