In this dismal job market, a resume that stands out from the crowd can make the difference between getting hired -- or at least making it to the interview stage -- and getting nowhere.
如今,就业市场惨淡。 求职者是淹没在竞争者的汪洋大海之中,还是赢得面试机会,甚至最终被录用,可能就取决于简历能否脱颖而出。
In this dismal job market, a resume that stands out from the crowd can make the difference between getting hired -- or at least making it to the interview stage -- and getting nowhere.
如今,就业市场惨淡。 求职者是淹没在竞争者的汪洋大海之中,还是赢得面试机会,甚至最终被录用,可能就取决于简历能否脱颖而出。