In the new, lusher savannah, gazelle were plentiful and they tended to stay in one place throughout the year, so the humans settled down with them.
How could she stay indoors, when the glistening sunshine was pouring down and all the mountains seemed to glow?
Impress them upon your children. Recite them when you stay at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you get up.
To stay agile, an organization must constantly be changing up, down, and sideways.
But in the new, lusher savannah, gazelle were plentiful and they tended to stay in one place throughout the year, so the humans settled down with them.
After a long wait, some of them finally get to stay and settle down, while others have to pack up and leave for a new destination.
You see, there are plenty of ways to stay cool on hot, summer days and ways to help keep the temperature of your home down.
While the longer baking time breaks down some nutritive value, minerals and vitamins stay in the casserole, and veggies make a moister meat loaf.
As mentioned at the beginning, when challenged with a tough volley, don't panic or overreact - stay calm, break it down, and keep it simple.
A notebook and a pen provides your guests with a place to make plans, jot down dinner reservations and journal about their stay.
Today I am 39, with too many ex-boyfriends to count and, I am told, two grim-seeming options to face down: either stay single or settle for a “good enough” mate.
Mark Sedwill, NATO's civilian representative in Afghanistan, advised locals to stay indoors and keep their heads down.
北约驻阿富汗的民事代表Mark Sed will提醒当地居民留在家中,作好防护。
If Edgar Linton meets me, I shall not hesitate to knock him down, and give him enough to insure his quiescence while I stay.
We then take the considerable post-stay survey data we have from our own customers, and adjust the rating down - never up - if needed.
You don't stay down there all day, you want to come outside. And I hated it outside.
Arsenal are inevitably going to keep the ball for long periods so it is vital opponents retain shape, stay on their feet and keep concentration levels high when they are closing them down.
Stay calm and remember that your child trusted you to help when they came to you - don't let them down!
It is my experience, however, that you can never stay 100% within a model and you often have to drop down to some native code.
Unexpected emergencies can momentarily shut down operations, or even worse, put you out of business for weeks and force your customers to go elsewhere — and stay there.
The food here is especially wonderful and I've lost a good deal of weight because it doesn't tend to stay down for very long.
At 10pm on night one, instead of my usual wind-down glass of wine, I'd take a wake-up shower and set off to work, where I would struggle to stay alert until 8am.
As Moses went into the tent, the pillar of cloud would come down and stay at the entrance, while the Lord spoke with Moses.
The league is also cracking down on assistant coaches, who sometimes seem to spend half the game standing and jawing at referees. The league wants them to stay seated.
When you stay determined to pare down the amount of information on a slide, what remains is more condensed, uncluttered, and intelligible.
More and more couples are in two-job families — and sometimes hold down more than one job apiece to stay afloat.
The 31-year-old forward is surplus to requirements in Turin, but recently turned down the chance to join both Fenerbahce and Marseille to stay and fight for a place in Antonio Conte's team.
The food here is especially wonderful and I’ve lost a good deal of weight because it doesn’t tend to stay down for very long.
The food here is especially wonderful and I’ve lost a good deal of weight because it doesn’t tend to stay down for very long.