It's time we got rid of these bad habits and take action to protect the environment.
This can last for a long time if you don't head it off as soon as possible and take action.
Focus on what you want, learn the required skills, make a plan to succeed and take action.
It is time to realize this hazard and take action to prevent further disaster while making progress.
If the answer is you're waiting for such and such to happen, now is the time to stop waiting and take action.
Health care workers will be able to visit as many as 200 homes each day, perform tests, and take action immediately.
If you can come up with an excuse for not taking action, you can also find a reason to go ahead and take action.
A method should be used whenever you want to take the selected elements as the arguments and take action upon them.
We can’t sit around expecting success to come to us—we have to break out of our inertia and take action to get what we want.
我们不能坐等成功上门 ,必须走出惰性,采取行动去追求我们想要的。
The quicker you make the decision, the quicker you can move forward and take action on both the positive and negative results.
But to identify gaps and take action to fill them, we need to capture the activities of all donors in a common tracking system.
Often times, we instead focus on our fear, and it consumes us to the point of not being able to move forward and take action.
You can turn your life around only when you had decided to make use of the acquired knowledge and take action to make things happen.
Dashboards are important because they enable users to access information and take action without having to dig through the application.
What am I planning for? Is there a positive output that's going to come out of this planning process? (If no, you should cut it short and take action)
If we change our habits, if we refuse to buy products from companies that harm the environment, and if we learn more and take action, we can save the planet.
Remember, the Law of Attraction implies that anything is within your field of possibility if you desire it strongly, believe in it, and take action towards it.
This agreement highlights the need for APEC economies to work strategically and take action in creating an enabling environment for GVC development and cooperation.
The purpose of Causal Analysis and Resolution (CAR) is to identify causes of defects and other problems and take action to prevent them from occurring in the future.
I think hard about what I can do and what kind of messages to transmit as a staff working in the digital media, as a lifestyle editor of ELLE media, and take action.
And loving others can change the lives of others, if you choose to express that love and take action on it. I can't guarantee what will happen, but it can be life-changing.
Today, when I told my 8 year old son that all of our dreams are within reach as long as we follow our heart and take action, he asked me if it was always my dream to be a waitress.
Being able to see these change requests, their target dates, and their current state, helps her to ensure that each change request is moving along as expected, and take action if necessary.
We will side with the majority of the people of Philadelphia who oppose this tax and take legal action to stop it.
So we will side with the majority of the people of Philadelphia who oppose this tax and take legal action to stop it.
When it's time to make the leap, they take action and immediately drop what's no longer serving their purpose.
We view this kind of advertising as environmental damage and will take strong action against it.
We view this kind of advertising as environmental damage and will take strong action against it.