All you have to do is right-click on the desktop and select New Folder.
Finally, download the code provided with this article and unzip it to a new folder.
The new project contains a folder called HTML and within that folder, some sample HTML files.
New and updated forms are placed in the forms folder on the device.
It physically moves the class to the folder corresponding to the package and also changes all references to the class to refer to the new package.
Right-click in the white space of that folder somewhere and click "New" on the menu that appears.
Now, expand the new connection, and then expand the analysis folder until you see the two sample transformations as shown in Figure 4.
The domain generator creates a new folder named "templates", where the topology templates for the concrete and the conceptual MySQL unit are stored.
Then select the schema folder under the database, and choose Create new schema.
Create a new folder with the name of your libraries, and define a jars folder underneath it.
When the new Windows appears, scroll down to SCA, expand the folder, and select SCA Contribution as shown in Figure 20. Click Next.
Now create a new HTML file and name it input.html in the WebContent folder of your Web project.
现在,在Web项目的WebContent文件夹中创建一个新的html文件并命名为input . html。
Click Finish, and a new folder with the name of your project is created in the workspace directory.
To create each of the files listed below, right-click its parent folder and select New - file.
In Windows Explorer, go to the root of the c: \ drive and create a new folder named data.
在Windows资源管理器中,转到C: \驱动器的根目录下并创建一个名为data的新文件夹。
Right-click the Database connections folder in the Data Source explorer, and click New, as shown in Figure 2.
在数据源资源管理器(DataSourceExplorer)中右键单击Databaseconnections文件夹,然后单击New,如图 2 所示。
To move to a different Eclipse installation, simply copy the contents of the dropins folder, and all your custom plug-ins will be available in the new install.
Create the new HTML page-called welcome.html-in the WebContent folder of your Web project and add the content as shown in Listing 6.
在Web项目的WebContent文件夹中创建新的html页面(名为welcome . html),添加清单6所示的内容。
When the new window opens, scroll down to Service Component Architecture and expand the folder, as shown in Figure 10.
You can add folders to a CMIS repository by right-clicking a folder and entering the name of the new folder, as in the window shown in figure 10.
通过右键单击文件夹,输入新文件夹的名称,您可以将文件夹添加到CM IS知识库中,如图10中窗口所示。
The new folder dialog allows you to choose the parent folder and a name for the new folder.
After setting up the new project and runtime, replicate the folder structure, as shown in Figure 4.
After setting up the new project and the runtime, replicate the folder structure as shown in Figure 4.
If the import was successful, the LowFareAir folder should contain two new subfolders: data and SQL.
Create a new folder in the WEB-INF directory called INS and copy three files there.
在WEB - INF目录中创建一个名为ins的新文件夹,然后将那里的三个文件进行复制。
Select the WebContent folder in your new project and use your alternate mouse button to open the context menu.
Select a parent folder and Simple Listing report template in the new report wizard, and click Finish.
To fix the problem, remove line 23 from the above code, recompile the stored procedure, and move the new class file to the sqllib\function folder.
要纠正这个问题,可以从上面的代码中删除第 23行,重新编译存储过程,并且将新的类文件转移到sqllib\function文件夹。
In the project management client, you can now see the new feature listed in the Features and Vision folder.
在项目管理客户机中,现在可以看到在Featuresand Vision文件夹中列出了新特性。
Right-click the desc folder of your project and select New -> Other....