An original document and its updated version have the same but different, where indicates that both documents belong together and the indicates the version.
A common scenario for lazy loading happens when an application returns and displays a list of search results, one of which the user clicks to see the original document stored in the index.
However, if you use UTF-16, the size of the original document roughly doubles and the document takes longer to parse.
然而,如果使用UTF - 16的话,原始文档的大小便要加倍,这样的文档解析起来要花更多的时间。
The original document is passed in as an input parameter, and the new document is passed out as an output parameter.
Each translation unit contains a sentence or paragraph that's extracted from the original document in an element called, and the translator has to fill a element with the appropriate translation.
DB2 stores and manipulates XML data in a parsed format that reflects the hierarchical nature of the original XML document.
DB 2采用一种经过解析的格式来存储和操作XML数据,这种格式可以反映原始xml文档的层次结构。
When a document is created and versioned, it represents the original document.
The original structure of the XML document is retained, and you can access and parse the compressed format in the same way as the original format (for example, XGrind).
The XML generation could jeopardize the integrity of the original document and lose MS Office features.
The first is the original document, and the second is a hash map that is merged in with the original document before the updated document is stored in CouchDB.
第二个是一个哈希映射,在更新文档存储在CouchDB 中之前,会把该哈希映射和原始文档一起 merge 进来。
To retrieve the location of the original document, right-click the document and select Properties.
As you see in Figure 4, each document is represented by an ID number, a title, the original content of the document (" input "), and three sets of features.
Basically, there are three different scenarios to consider (Figure 20. Merging the original and branched document).
Through document repositories or a file system. You copy the original documents into an input folder and receive the redacted files in an output folder.
Namespace prefixes are basically meaningless to anyone except the author of the original document and relying on a constant one-to-one mapping of namespace prefixes to URIs is unwise at best.
The translators then reproduce the document in other languages by copying the original and replacing each translatable element with the appropriate translations.
Instead, a copy of the original document must be created and updated accordingly.
The overhead would be immense and at best, you'd still be guessing at what the original document author intended.
In this example, the original document is loaded from the repository on the redaction server, and the output is saved in the same repository.
The requirement is present in both the original and the branched requirement document.
They can be edited entirely separately from the original requirement document and requirements.
An alternative is to encode the file content using base 64-bit encoding and post that encoded content with the original HTTP post that created the CMIS document.
一种替代方法是用基础64位编码方法对文件内容进行编码,再用创建CM IS文档的原始HTTPPOST发布已编码的内容。
The requirement is not present in the original document, and it was added in the branched-off document.
After the original document has been converted to XLIFF, the tool used to perform conversion can iterate over all translation units and search for matching translations in a TM database.
Since the source document is the log file, no information is lost in the transformation, and it is trivial to re-create exactly the original format from the XML.
Listing 12 will output an XML document based on the original but having a new character and descriptor.
Note: It is always a good idea to document the original value and new value in case you need to change back to the original value.
This will lead to all kinds of problems where editing the original and the new copy will result in updating the same document in Domino document Manager.
这将导致编辑源文件方面各种各样的问题,而且新的副本将造成更新DominoDocument Manager中的同一文档。
So I can write a document using Microsoft Word under Windows, open it using StarOffice in Linux, and read the text, but invariably the format is different from the original.
因此我可以在windows下用MicrosoftWord编写文档,在Linux 下用StarOffice 将它打开并阅读,但格式一定和初始时的不同。
So I can write a document using Microsoft Word under Windows, open it using StarOffice in Linux, and read the text, but invariably the format is different from the original.
因此我可以在windows下用MicrosoftWord编写文档,在Linux 下用StarOffice 将它打开并阅读,但格式一定和初始时的不同。