The implication is that you may need to track all changes to your process, the reason why you made each change, and when the change was made to conform to these regulations.
Whatever the reason, when you're stranded and you have one investor the only way out is to find new outside investors.
If you just meet for a drink or a cup of coffee the first time, the outing is limited, and if you find no reason to continue the relationship, you can both still part on friendly terms.
The reason for this is that you want to have your template model use the profile and data type library in the profile plug-in, and this plug-in will be activated by starting another workbench.
He likes the idea of a 2, 000-word article backed by 25, 000 words of source material, and says there is no reason why you can't provide that on the Internet.
It is worth stressing that, unless you require backwards compatibility, there is no reason to write new JMS applications using the old queue and topic interfaces.
Part of the reason you bring David Beckham in is for this power behind the player and the brand.
The reason this technique is called the "cheap read-write lock" is that you are using different synchronization mechanisms for reads and writes.
之所以将这种技术称之为 “开销较低的读-写锁” 是因为您使用了不同的同步机制进行读写操作。
The reason you get along so well with your close friends is that you have similar interests, similar opinions and maybe even similar ways of doing things.
In cold approach, when you meet a woman, the interaction could theoretically end at any moment and she has no reason to talk to you the minute she is no longer stimulated.
In fact, in our diets, red meat is the main source of iron, and lack of iron is probably one major reason that being vegetarian is healthy for you.
The reason why a great conductor makes notations on his musical scores-marks them up again and again each time he returns to study them-is the reason why you should mark your books.
And the reason I want to show you this is to notice that the recursion can be doubled.
The reason is, again, because we're assuming that you are choreographing mature services and there is no need for any complex integration logic.
And I bet the reason why you're not pursuing something better is because you don't know what you'd rather do.
It's the subjective experience that the memory is right there and yet for some reason you can't quite access it.
If you think you can make it to the deadline there is no reason to get nervous... And if you don't think you can make it, try anyway.
I'm optimistic and confident the world is equipped to deal with the challenges we face — and a big part of the reason is seeing young people like you.
The reason is other VCs. I know a number of VCs now, and when you talk to them you realize that it's a seller's market.
You should determine why the product's license doesn't meet this definition and decide if that reason is important to you.
If a connection cannot be made to the database management system, you receive a message indicating that the connection failed and the reason it failed when the PHP script is executed.
When you know your work and are humble about it than there is no reason that you would not get the desired appreciation.
For this reason, the point where you add and remove listeners is clearly spelled out in the API.
Yet, if consumers are not to be let down, Italy must understand why the creation of a big Italian bank makes sense—and it is not for the reason you often hear.
My guess is you wrote for a simpler reason: you read the newspaper and she doesn't.
The reason you should want to be rich is for the freedom and the benefits it permits.
Do you dread the dangers and problems while there is no reason to worry?
We aren't, and the reason is that to make Leonardo you need more than his innate ability.
And if the best the soul theorist can say is, "I can't explain it and neither can you," that's not a reason to believe this side.
And if the best the soul theorist can say is, "I can't explain it and neither can you," that's not a reason to believe this side.