The sun, is also variable over a long term: its heat output goes up and down in cycles, the latest trend being downward.
Then, as the sun goes down, the surfers come ashore and the party starts.
Like Jacob at Jabbok, it is when our earthly sun goes down that the Divine Angel comes forth, and we wrestle with Him and prevail.
When the sun goes down the solar trees will return to their original position to give off a full spectrum of light to the street and pedestrians below.
The moon appears just after the sun goes down above the skyline and if there are clear skies in your area, it will be highly visible around the world.
When the sun goes down, he will be clean, and after that he may eat the sacred offerings, for they are his food.
Even the most progressive solar designs (at Emerson, not Google) provide a paltry 16% of the data center's power. And solar has the added problem that there's no power when the sun goes down.
It puts a nice "end cap" on the day before the sun goes down, and it gives me that chance to get outside if I was stuck inside working all day.
When the sun goes down, and rose, everything changed, carelessly at also can't go back.
But sometimes, when the sun goes down, the sky and land are a wonderful red and gold.
The human body is naturally accustomed to feel drowsy when the sun goes down and when it starts to get dark.
And every evening when the sun goes down, I'm with my lover in my hometown.
Then when the sun goes down, and It's time to go to sleep, you listen to the waves hit the shore at night.
而当太阳落了山,该是时候睡觉了。 在静夜里,你听到波浪击打着海岸的声音。
Fast the sun goes down, Mom and Dad went home with me today, ah really memorable.
The sun never goes down below the horizon and the stars of white nights are there for everyone.
Every day the sun rises in the east, travels across the sky and then goes down below the western horizon.
And right now, before the sun goes down, I like to take advantage of the road that lies ahead.
The sun rises up in the east, and goes down in the west.
The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west.
The sun rises up in the east, and goes down in the west.
The sun rises up in the east, and goes down in the west.