I saw some people carrying injured on their shoulders, then I went back home to pray and wait for the light.
Sometimes, I stayed only a short time and then went home; sometimes, I stayed until the entire ground was alight with moonbeams.
I then came bounding home, and went blowing the whistle all over the house.
Well, when I got home, my mommy touched up my make-up, and then realigned my ears so they were centered, and then we went trick or treating.
After breakfast, I did some homework, and wrote calligraphy, then I went to my neighbour Xiaoyan's home.
When I was small, one day, when I went home after school, I felt bored and opened the TV, then I saw the tennis match.
During the festive period I spent the Christmas at home in Finland and then went on holiday to Dubai to celebrate the New Year with my wife and friends.
Pack finished dumplings, my mother at home and then clean up the pack, I went to a neighbor led the brothers and sisters at home and watch the party.
Then I went home and considered that was the first day of the rest of my life.
I then came home, and went whistling all over the house, much pleased with my whistle, but disturbing all the family.
Then one monday when I came home from town, and went to put the horse feed in the barn I noticed the horse pen gate was wide open.
Sometimes I stayed only a short time and then went home; sometimes I stayed until the entire ground was alight with moonbeams.
We why can you run home so far away, if mom which day I imagine you suddenly close their eyes, sit two hours to get to the airport, and then the zhoushan peach blossom island, I already went!
We didn't see each other only two weeks, but felt so long time. He talked about his experience in Shandong, and then, they went home, I went to work!
Today is the last day of the College Entrance Examination. When I stepped out of the exam room, the sunshine glared. Blankly, I cleaned up the dormitory, and then went home.
I went to the department store to buy some cloth and then to the nursery to get my son home. I killed two birds with one stone.
I went to the department store to buy some cloth and then to the nursery to get my son home. I killed two birds with one stone.