They now lived happily and contentedly for a time, and then it happened that the young queen fell seriously ill and no doctor could help her.
When the magistrate asked Wang what had happened, he answered, "Zhou said that there were fresh red dates in it when he gave me the jar a year ago." The magistrate examined the jar and the fresh red dates in it carefully. Then he said: "Bring the ingots back, Wang Wu!" How did the county magistrate infer that Wang was lying?
Well, a great deal has happened since then, and perforce modern languages and literatures have altered the canon always to the end of thinning it out.
It pointed out the myths of American history and then explained what really happened.
But that never happened because, as it turns out, all of the things we had been told about DataPower were shockingly true — and then some.
Then 9/11 happened. It made me understand how short life is and that it could be taken away at any second.
And then you might see a few more paragraphs that say, "Yeah, that happened to me but we got it out the door this other way."
The Archives said it then contacted Lowry to try and determine what happened.
Back then, it was a little town that happened to have ancient walls and lots of old buildings.
And then a week after that... [he claps his hands and laughs]... it happened to me.
From its imponderable monastery, Savoca spreads out along a mountain ridge. Every now and then, bits of it tumble off the precipice into the valley below (as happened to the church in 1880).
It has happened to me in the past that I shut off the alarm, groggily thinking, "I'm awake, I'm awake", and then promptly fell back asleep.
It sometimes happened that Cosette spoke of jean Valjean and expressed her surprise. Then Marius calmed her: "he is absent, I think."
Szostak also doesn't care for guessing exactly how life happened the very first time and then duplicating it.
It happened on a path that climbed steeply up the mountain, crossed the road, passed a spring, and then wound under old, tall, dark trees and out into light underbrush.
Subconsciously you know this to be so and for some that shows as fear, because of what happened then and the possibility of it occurring again.
It hasn't happened to me yet, but I am sure it will and then I don't know what I am going to do about it.
I'm just part of this long train of things that have happened, that I gain from it and then I can give too.
She spent the first few days of the semester in bed and then forgot about it. Until it happened again.
The old test tried printing the object without the setup, caught the exception if it occurred, then printed with the setup if needed (and gave a message about what happened).
Then one night we invited my cousin and his girlfriend to come witness it. It happened like it normally did except this time the girl’s eyes turned red when she saw my cousin and his girlfriend.
Then the others heard the secret, and very soon it became known to two mermaids whose intimate friend happened to know who the prince was.
但是除了她们和别的一两个人鱼以外(她们只把这秘密转告给自己几个知己的朋友),别的什么人也不知道。 她们之中有一位知道那个王子是什么人。
Strange to say, early on a certain morning two years ago, my first cigarette of the day happened to be so sickening that I stubbed it out immediately and from then on smoked no more.
But then I happened to read that lead in paint makes colors (particularly yellow and red) brighter and last longer; because lead costs less than alternates, cheaper toys are more likely to contain it.
If your dad happened to buy a house in London in the 1960s, and hung on to it, then your own salary (or lack of it) scarcely matters.
Just like it happened with Gmail back then, some people will misunderstand this feature and be scared of it: "How does Google know the contents of my private files?"
So, it was in the 1600s that probability theory started to get written down as a theory and many things then happened in that century that, I think, are precursors both to finance and insurance.
It happened because a strategic decision-maker (Jim Barksdale) got the clue and then imposed that vision on the people below him.
It happened because a strategic decision-maker (Jim Barksdale) got the clue and then imposed that vision on the people below him.