There is no great difference, in this sense, between a crocodile defending its spot along the river and a turf war between two urban gangs.
And by a "state of nature" he means, or by a state of war, he means a condition where there is no recognized authority in his language to keep us in awe, no authority to awe us.
The power of regular retrospectives and regular exercise is that they prevent big problems from happening so there should be no war stories or miraculous transformations!
Lawmakers are at war with one another over how to reduce our deficit while increasing our quality of living, and there is no end to the debate in sight.
There is no Cold War, at least allegedly no Cold War any longer, and so the question of the status, nature, and structure of the third world is obviously wide open.
There is no glory in war and the boys on both sides—and so many are just boys—are human; terrified and unsure about what they are fighting for.
给敌人赋予人性的光彩会令“咱们的阿兵哥”和观众怀疑道义的存在。 然而今非昔比,战争中不再有荣耀可言,敌我双方都是人,其中有很多还只是孩子;他们都不清楚为何而战,都惧怕战争。
You can see evidence of this in a "U.S. general and war-fighter's" furtive comment to a Time reporter that in Afghanistan "there is no endgame and there hasn't been one from the start."
In this war there is no knowledge of smoke, our mother has been quietly Shouhou us and accompany us, and we work together with.
There will be no heroics in a war where the safest place will be the front line, if there is one, and the most dangerous the houses of our civilian population.
As Mr Delors notes, there is no dream, no vision that strikes a chord with today's European citizens in the way that reconciliation and an end to war did 50 years ago.
Gospel:When we see this world so full of war and disease and sin, it seems too good to be true that a real heaven exists where there is no war, or disease, or death.
There is no doubt that this system has crucial significance to improve the army's commanding level and to prepare the information of accrossing river for us in the future war.
There is no avoiding war, one merely postpones it, and in most cases to his own disadvantage, in ceding this part and that bit to exchange for another party's tolerance or support.
Therefore, the most serious task for our country is still perseverance in the war, and there must be no slackening.
There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and declusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it.
There is no way we can get away twice with the stunt we pulled at Halturzhan, which means we'll need resources for a longer-term war, and we'll need to move around CONCORD.
A cold war can occur if there is no free and intimate communication between the couple, or when the misunderstanding between both goes on without clearing away.
Thus we can conclude that it is possible that there will be no large-scale war for a fairly long time to come and that there is hope of maintaining world peace.
If the both sides can't control their emotion, and the quarrel do happens, I think there is no need to continue a "cold war".
If the both sides can't control their emotion, and the quarrel do happens, I think there is no need to continue a "cold war".