To what extent are we shaped by, and to what degree do we shape, our own brains?
我们的大脑把我们塑造到何种程度? 我们又能将我们的大脑塑造到何种程度?
Think about the values present and to what degree someone looking at those values will understand them.
Until the market decides if Obama is good or bad for stocks, and to what degree, volatility is apt to be the norm.
Twitter claims 175 million million registered users, but just how many of them are active, and to what degree?
This means that all transport layer implementations must choose whether or not to provide reliability and to what degree.
They gave participants a set of words and asked them to rate how, whether, and to what degree, each word made them uncomfortable.
Second, through a questionnaire, it tests whether and to what degree Chinese readers can accept Chinese-translated contents and style of A Bend in the River.
With the return of Andrew Bynum, it will be interesting to see how Kobe orchestrates the pieces together, and to what degree he asserts his dominance within this team.
Most of the customers we have worked with enjoy this part the most because the stakeholders can get a firm grasp of how and to what degree their requirements will be satisfied.
While they do not understand to what degree rising temperatures and other weather shifts may have contributed to the outbreaks, they do understand some of the potential mechanisms.
Examine one ending closely or compare two to determine how comic endings resolve conflict and to what degree they restore order: social order, personal authority, justice, or the truth.
It is worth studying that to what degree the Euro can adjust the international monetary competitive structure and to what degree it can influence the international monetary system balance.
It aims to find out how and to what degree the NMET affects English teaching and learning in senior high schools, and seek for teachers' and students' opinions and Suggestions on the test.
It is still uncertain when, and to what degree, investors will again be willing to accept the longer time required to harvest returns from the drug-development pipelines of emerging pharma.
I know in my case, I did an English literature degree and I didn't really expect to end up doing what I am doing now.
So perhaps the more pressing question is not, how have preferences changed, but rather to what degree and how quickly does content influence those preferences?
And a 50 percent increase in the degree to which they reported that they talked about the events in the child's life... and what was going on in the surroundings of the child.
university has launched what it says is the first Master of Arts (MA) degree course on the Beatles, to study their impact on popular music and society.
What is surprising is the degree to which human beings are not rational, and how the reasons for this are likely to involve Darwinian explanations.
The question remains, to what degree is the absence of women in science, mathematics and engineering caused by innate, immutable ability?
It also means the west must to a degree absolve itself of direct responsibility for what happens next in Libya and leave the planning to Libyans themselves.
The algorithms find the people out there whose answers best correspond to yours—how yours fit their desires and how theirs meet yours, and according to what degree of importance.
My own IT degree course hardly spent any time on people skills and nothing on the even more difficult concept of what people need to do to ‘self-organize’ into a high-performing team.
For example, a single-player game can provoke deep and interesting reflections on the solitude of the soldier, the triviality of modern warfare technology, and, to some degree, what it means to die.
Having a degree sooner may mean making a larger salary, finding new career opportunities, and having more time to do what you want.
And no matter what school you study at, a US degree is apt to lead to a job with higher compensation back in China.
There is a coolant loop no matter what, so you end up to some degree cooling the core because the heated water rises and colder water gets pulled in.
That people would disappear as a distinctive entity, and in effect, that is what happened to the ten tribes of the northern kingdom to a large degree.
That people would disappear as a distinctive entity, and in effect, that is what happened to the ten tribes of the northern kingdom to a large degree.