If the reason is a competing product, then go after the product's features with a vengeance, and build on them.
Last year's Greek bailout didn't solve the problem and now it's back with a vengeance.
But since then, a new source of lead pollution - factories that produce lead-acid batteries for electric bikes, motorcycles and cars - has emerged with a vengeance.
Right now we are experiencing an even moredramatic collapse of the greenback—this time to little more than 1/1, 400th ofan ounce of gold—and the issue has returned with a vengeance.
In America, New Zealand and Spain it applied with a vengeance: Spanish employment fell by twice as much as output.
Its dire economic performance in the 1970s forced an early cure: from the 1980s it de-industrialised with a vengeance, freeing the Labour market and strengthening competition.
One might think such an experience would sour me to love and bring back, with a vengeance, my scowling hostility to romance.
John:Hello, Jeff. Over the past few years, you have become a shell of your former self-consumed with hatred and vengeance. Vengeance against the drunk driver who killed your only son.
And he would find the Lrue murderer with a vengeance that would finally give vent to all the emotions that were coursing through the veins of his body.
I had expected that is would be hard work, and hard work with a vengeance it was.
I've researched the building: I read up on it a little and closely watched how they did the Fort Knox robbery in "Die Hard with a Vengeance".
For example, while Seal and Judgement of Righteousness scale far better with spell damage, the base damage values of Seal and Judgement of Vengeance are a lot higher.
China's equity market fiasco of 2015, which has intensified in the early days of 2016 and spilled over to other major bourses with a vengeance, tops that list.
The financial crisis comes with a vengeance. China's auto market jumped into the winter from the summer. A number of vehicle and spare parts companies are facing an unprecedented problem.
The financial crisis comes with a vengeance. China's auto market jumped into the winter from the summer. A number of vehicle and spare parts companies are facing an unprecedented problem.