That means a higher proportion of what is in the sea is being caught, so the real difference between present and past is likely to be worse than the one recorded by changes in catch sizes.
We try to choke it back but it will burst out and that sounds worse than ever.
But worse than that are all the emergency and unprecedented measures taken over the last 13 months.
But grim though that sounds, it is in fact no worse than in France, Spain and Germany, where people drink just as much but are not as exercised about it.
There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about and that is not being talked about.
Hell, now that he thought about it, a blank card was far worse than an inscribed one - the understood message was of such deep love and passion that words wouldn't convey what they felt.
I had lost my friend, and that was far worse than knowing I would have to return to dishwashing.
It s a pretty solid piece of kit, at 182g, and that finish is going to show fingermarks even worse than a PSP.
Texas, and adjoining parts of Oklahoma and New Mexico, are drier than they’ve ever been — the drought is worse than that of the Dust Bowl. But do not wonder if they’re somehow connected.
AMERICA’S health-care system is expensive, leaves nearly 50m people uninsured (out of a population of some 300m) and produces outcomes that are worse than those of many other rich countries.
But another part can be attributed to the slow-down in the US and most of Europe that seems to be getting worse rather than better.
That is cause for concern: having three bosses is an even worse idea than having two, and the record of returning founders is decidedly mixed, especially at technology firms.
The oceanographer told delegates that the problem of ocean acidification was worse in high latitudes, in the Arctic and around Antarctica, than it was nearer the equator.
All the rats showed early signs of tau tangles and had difficulty navigating a maze, but the rats that were on nicotine did worse than those that were not.
"There's reason to believe that sugar in liquid form is actually worse than candy, because it fills you up and displaces healthier food choices," she said.
"I got up and there was thick white smoke everywhere — worse than a fire. I knew straight away that it was carbon monoxide," he told the new Zealand Herald.
In recent weeks it has become clear that Europe and Japan are faring even worse than America, and so are likely to consume less oil, steel, cocoa and the like.
FLATOW: My next guest studies the chemical reactions that occur in swimming pools, and it's worse than you thought.
The World Bank points out that even relatively prosperous African cities, such as Lagos and Nairobi, are in worse shape than they were a decade ago.
Other measures show that prices of art did far worse than equities over the past 25 years and slightly worse during the past half-century.
Please understand that I say this approach is no better or worse than that of Herbert and the USDA, I'm simply saying it's worth serious consideration.
So far, they've found that just as in rats, pregnant women perform worse on some learning and memory tasks than nonpregnant controls.
And I am certain, that, should the men all leave, something terrible - something even worse than all the terrible things they have already done - would happen.
He many a time spoke sternly to me about my pertness; and averred that the stab of a knife could not inflict a worse pang than he suffered at seeing his lady vexed.
Mr Nuder asserts that it is no worse than any other, and he claims that the Social Democrats welcome choice in education and health care.
He was surprised to find that there were plenty of other men like him there, from every possible corner of Africa, and that many had fared worse than he had.
We may be assuming that patients and families are more fragile than they really are and that keeping our hunches to ourselves will protect them, when in fact we may be making the situation worse.
Sadly, further investigation revealed that the looting was far worse than first believed, and ongoing.
Sadly, further investigation revealed that the looting was far worse than first believed, and ongoing.