And it is really great because he actually goes through the thought process for you and describes - I need to give you one piece of background.
What you have to do is to actually track the deltas between the time/effort you thought it would take to complete a task, and what really happened.
We thought so too, until we talked to health experts and found out about the many ways that stress can actually help you.
But then, if he actually likes it, exactly one week later, he'll come back to you and propose your idea to you, as if he thought of it.
但是如果他真的喜欢这个创意,他就会装作是他自己想到了这个点子,在之后的整一周的时候跑回来把你的点子“告诉” 你。
Life will show exactly which things you actually need, and which things you only thought you needed.
To actually focus and be aware of each and every thought form that you think can be exhausting and not to mention a little scary as well.
You will discover that you are putting a lot of energy into believing a thought that isn't actually true and doesn't support your well being.
When you have the initial thought of your desire that may be as far as it goes, but now you have gone a step further and actually thought about the steps that you would have to take to make it happen.
"You would think someone like me would become pressurised and burdened by that thought but actually it excited me," he says.
Because they thought that if you are having a telescope, you are an astronomer so what you are doing is actually looking in a telescope. And you might have seen the planet going into a star.
I know you like to envision everything in your mind as completed and this process makes you bored at the thought of actually finishing anything.
I know you like to envision everything in your mind as completed and this process makes you bored at the thought of actually finishing anything.