When all the students had a cup of coffee in their hands, the teacher said, "If you noticed, all the nice looking and expensive cups had been taken, but the simple and cheap ones had been left behind.
On the morning of the stroke, I woke up to a pounding pain behind my left eye. And it was the kind of pain, caustic pain, that you get when you bite into ice cream.
Which means something's got to give: "When all you think about is the baby, your relationship gets left behind," says Dave Kushner, also of Brooklyn, and father of Samantha, 3, and Mia, 1.
The left side was shot at f/22: The torch is in focus, and you can make out the tree and the house behind it. That's a large DOF.
You will tell them that you have left behind your wife in Sudan, and that her life is now in danger and you want her to come as well.
If you know your shortcomings and feel reluctant to change, then you will only vanish with time without any trace to be left behind.
You might think you left the world of cliques and in-crowds behind when you left high school.
Leave the television behind, and the artificial need for objects that you really do not require to subsist will also be left behind.
It is one that you left behind you eons of time ago, to experience time and space in Duality.
I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the money and property left behind by my client before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by the Bank where this huge deposit was lodged.
You left a lot behind when you chose to experience the lower vibrations, and you lost your identity but it is once more beginning to return through your awakening consciousness.
Many of them, as you might have heard, when they died, their bodies dissolved, with only their hair and nails left behind.
If you believe you've been treated unfairly by the powers that be and left behind economically, you feel this anger.
And as the sun arose you were part of that light and had left behind everything that thought had put together.
When you look back at the end of the road, the person you left behind will be the one forever grateful to you and wishing you happiness, for you showed her respect instead of doing hurt.
However when you ascend with Mother Earth, all of that will be left behind as you enjoy the beauty and wonders of the higher dimensions.
You must increase your concentration, your aspiration and your trust and with the new help which comes to you, make a new programme, work out other means to replace those you have left behind.
If you continue to bury your head in the sand and refuse to recognize the fact that some of your classmates are catching up with you, it won't be long before you find yourself left behind.
In three years, you leave footprints in the campus, and released, scattering the ideal sweat, harvest I wish, to take away the maturity, and left behind the memories.
When I think back on these times, and the dreams we left behind, I'll be glad 'cause I was blessed to get to have you in my life.
Now there are various schools of art and style in contemporary art circle. Do you worry about being left behind the times for insisting on this kind of language form?
When you set out from this lychee campus, please check that you have left behind arrogance, insularity and slothfulness.
"When you take a life-changing decision, you have to accept it and move on, but I left a lot of friends behind, " continued the 2004 European Footballer of the Year.
It's always a good idea to look around and make sure that you haven't left anything behind when you leave a place.
I still don't think I'm gonna make it through another love story. You took it all away from me. And there I stand, I knew I was going to be the one left behind.
I still don't think I'm gonna make it through another love story. You took it all away from me. And there I stand, I knew I was going to be the one left behind.