And you showed me, it does't really matter what I do.
And I could never forget what affectionate care you showed me by helping me carry my suitcase.
I know this because, before we met, you showed me your diary and you wrote about this day.
I quickly picked up the books and returned them to you along with words of apology, but all you showed me was your intimidating look.
She gave me the priceless gift of education and showed me what it means to work hard for what you want.
The pictures (both photos and sketches) you showed me suggest the different part you're interested in. Just like the blinds touch the elephant.
You touched my heart with music and laughter. You painted my world with rainbows and sunshine. You showed me that true love exists.
You showed me different ways to practice and remember new words and usage.
Many thanks for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during our delegation's recent visit to your university.
'My friend showed me your videos on FaceBook and I just wanted to tell you I am fascinated by your hair. It's so beautiful,' said another.
Just when I thought my life was never going to change, you came along and showed me a whole new world.
You showed me different ways to practice and remember new words and usage.
And remember the time I forgot to tell you the dance was formal and you showed up in jeans? I thought you'd drop me. But you didn't.
Many thanks for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during our delegation's recent visit to your university.
It was the first affection you showed me on this visit and so it made me cry after you got off the bus to go to work.
I can not thank you enough for being more than perfect because you showed me that even all the things that seem wrong are actually opportunities to work at them together and bring us closer together.
Moreover, that is concerned with your privacy, and I should have showed my respect to you, which make me really regret.
You showed to me the real you who is very good and active in our class.
Your progress showed me all the efforts you've made and I'm really proud of you.
I've read many of them and I'm still reading, but they are endless... thank you all for love and affection that you showed me, thank you for all great emotions you made me feel.
Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. "all this I will give you," he said, "if you will bow down and worship me."
I thank those of you who were honest and showed me what you had copied.
"Forgive me, if I'm troubling you..." Pierre saw that Prince Andrey was going to speak of Natasha, and his broad face showed sympathy and pity.
"Forgive me, if I'm troubling you..." Pierre saw that Prince Andrey was going to speak of Natasha, and his broad face showed sympathy and pity.