Extend the telescopic antenna and adjust the Angle for optimum reception.
You must enter two lengths OR a length and an angle for everything to be calculated.
A keyboard that slopes away from you provides the best Angle for your hands and wrists.
Easy to install on any bike, you can adjust its height and Angle for optimal screen viewing.
These baffles are strategically located and placed at a specific Angle for optimum separation.
Bakhtin's dialogic theory has provided a new explanation Angle for transition of female writing.
A pitch controller rotates each blade around a bearing, setting it to the best angle for the wind speed.
This sometimes means leaving out certain information or finding the right Angle for your experience.
The optimum viewing angle for the display can be adjusted with the swiveling top section of the case.
External keyboards. A keyboard that slopes away from you provides the best Angle for your hands and wrists.
Shooting from a building slightly above the aspens made for an unusual Angle for glowing gold autumn colors.
The consciousness has offered the new observation Angle for studying the social state of Ming-Qing Dynasties.
I took my camera out of my backpack and started looking for a good Angle for the photograph but couldn't find one.
The paper presented some measures for slope-sliding control and recommended optimal slope angle for production stage.
However, if the beam Angle for the direct light is too wide then it will violate the limits of a full cutoff classification.
It sums up its success and loss, and provides a new Angle for the readers to understand the new realistic novels at the same time.
Try to figure out a local Angle for an international story, as it may encourage your editor to put your story in a more prominent position.
Fans lined up as early as 4 a. m., 12 hours before the start of the film, to Angle for an autograph or glimpse of their favorite star.
This simulates the quick starts typically found in open water events as participants Angle for position before settling in to their paces.
Intelligent control — connected with construction intelligent management system, this system can automatically adjust vane Angle for shading.
The design principle and circuit construction and program process of apparatus of the best ignition angle for motorcycle engine are introduced.
The dissertation has analyzed BI system from the realistic Angle for guarantee to know BI completely and easy to discuss product choose of BI system.
To guarantee complete burning, raise power and save energy, you must check oil-injecting advanced Angle for every cylinder during daily maintenance.
The working frequency and crystal Angle for optimal sensitivity were obtained by theoretic analysis and experiments. Its practical application was satisfactory.
The study on cultural vacancy on lexical level and its treatment in translation in this thesis aims to provide a new angle for the related studies in this field.
This article aimes at probing into its main symbolic aesthetic connotation, and provides a new angle for further studying aesthetic culture of the Western China.
This work establishes a new constitutive relation on the azimuthally anisotropic linear viscoelastic media with an arbitrary azimuthal angle for the fractured strata.
Sunburn cuisine five internal organs for human muscle, skin teeth bone angle for people to wear realm of high forgetting me, and made great contributions and humility.
Sunburn cuisine five internal organs for human muscle, skin teeth bone angle for people to wear realm of high forgetting me, and made great contributions and humility.