Anglo Saxon warriors in the British Isles Photo: alamy.
In Anglo Saxon countries (USA, UK) a customer is the end customer, the one that buys the product.
The men and women of Anglo-Saxon England normally bore one name only. Distinguishing epithets were rarely added.
By the seventh century, the word teon had become interchangeable with the tachund or hund of the Anglo-Saxon language, and so 100 was denoted as hund teontig, or ten times ten.
到了7世纪,“teon”这个词就已经可以与安格鲁-撒克逊语言中的“tachund”或“hund”互换了,因此100可以用“hundteontig”或“ten times ten”来表示。
One example of this occurs when an Anglo- Saxon writer refers to a seventh-century English princess as "a wonderful man".
Talk in continental Europe of an “Anglo-Saxon” conspiracy of greedy speculators is also dishonest. The speculators did not invent the deficits.
But it is the six centuries of Anglo-Saxon rule, from shortly after the departure of the Roman colonizers, around A. D. 410, to the Norman Conquest in 1066, that most define what we now call England.
For that reason Germany has so far paid a higher price for its reliance on exports than the Anglo-Saxon countries have borne for their dependence on credit and rising house prices.
Studies show that consumers in Anglo-Saxon economies cut their spending by less when they suffer temporary shocks to their income than those in countries with less sophisticated financial systems.
Even Spain, with its new Anglo-Saxon business culture, tried to stop a German utility from taking over a Spanish power company.
The French are usually more skilled players of Brussels hardball than the British, despite excitable and largely forgotten talk of an "Anglo-Saxon takeover" of the EU a few years ago.
The crisis is most advanced in the Anglo-Saxon countries, but it is happening all over the rich world: the impact of the internet, exacerbated by the advertising slump, is killing the daily newspaper.
It arrived with the peoples who moved house across the English Channel around 1500 years ago bringing their Anglo-Saxon language that eventually became the English language.
More recently the agencies have been accused of being too harsh, and even of being part of an Anglo-Saxon conspiracy to hold down the southern European nations.
I grew up in a WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) household, and my wife grew up in a Cuban household.
However, it is probably already too late for the leading Anglo-Saxon economies to escape lightly from the consequences of their property bubbles.
All this meant that growth in consumer credit regularly outstripped growth in GDP in the Anglo-Saxon countries and saving ratios fell to historic lows.
It matters a lot that the Anglo-Saxon world has a different memory of that same war: it is a tragic event, but not a cause for shame, nor a reminder of impotence.
Europe's universities will soon all adopt a uniform Anglo-Saxon system of bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees.
Talk in continental Europe of an "Anglo-Saxon" conspiracy of greedy speculators is also dishonest.
Which is just the sort of meaningless drivel that will make this new economic power fit right in with the business supremos of the Anglo-Saxon world.
For those farther down the ladder, French companies are hierarchical, holding no truck with Anglo-Saxon notions of "empowerment". And bosses are more distant than ever.
UBS excepted, Switzerland did not indulge in an Anglo-Saxon-style speculative boom over the past decade. But it is suffering nevertheless.
But such downturns are more severe in countries with the Anglo-Saxon sort of financial system, because their lending is more procyclical.
Unlike their Anglo-Saxon counterparts, German workers might claw back the recent rise in food and fuel.
The pattern seems to be more closely approximated to the Anglo-Saxon one: drinking less frequently but in very high quantities (it tends to the "blow-out" at the weekend).
For those farther down the ladder, French companies are hierarchical, holding no truck with Anglo-Saxon notions of “empowerment”.
Sweden has long been known for having among the highest level of English language skills outside the Anglo-Saxon world.
Scandinavia's schools are expensive, but they are by and large more efficient than their Anglo-Saxon peers.
English Heritage now plans to apply the technique to another murky era of British history, the early Anglo-Saxon period between 400ad and 700ad.