Strong emotional bonds between mothers and infants increase children's willingness to explore the world—an effect that has been observed across the animal kingdom, in people, monkeys and even spiders.
Now, for animals other than birds, the care of young by both parents is pretty unusual in the animal kingdom.
Dr Catherine Hobaiter, who led the research, said that this was the only form of intentional communication to be recorded in the animal kingdom.
An overview of some research into lateralisation: the dominance of one side of the body over the other creatures across the animal kingdom have a preference for one foot, eye or even antenna.
Our purposes are different from yours, however, complementary, and considered by us, of the animal kingdom, just as important.
But how different creatures in the animal kingdom — from colorful birds and reef fish to butterflies and snakes — make and deploy their artful designs is one of nature's deepest secrets.
Across the animal kingdom, some of the most essential lessons - and the most extreme challenges - occur in the first moments of life.
Whenever a behavior is common in the animal kingdom, biologists suspect it has an adaptive function.
One way to find out is to look to the animal kingdom, where there are no gender-specific playthings.
The modern ways of raising farm animals for food have become one of the worst tragedies and crimes committed against the animal kingdom.
This may be evolution's way of ensuring more constant care for a baby that is more dependent and demanding than any other newborn in the animal kingdom.
Ida is a link between the apes, monkeys and us with the rest of the mammals and ultimately the whole animal kingdom.
First, theaudience must understand the concept of phylum (plural, phyla): the organizingprinciple for classifying the entire animal kingdom.
Creatures with the highest testosterone levels rule the animal kingdom.
And I think that comes from having the highest quality of food in the animal kingdom, and that's because we cook.
This is just one striking instance of the immensity of pain in the animal kingdom, which defies explanation except via the unyielding calculus of competitive survival.
Other specialists in the field even suggest UV vision may turn out to be the rule rather than the exception in the animal kingdom.
With an exceptional balance of protein and amino acids, quinoa, they declared, is virtually unrivaled in the plant or animal kingdom for its life-sustaining nutrients.
The need to identify a suitable mate is such a strong biological urge that the animal kingdom has spawned a bewildering array of courtship rituals.
Although the creatures represent a wide range of the animal kingdom, they all appear to belong to the same dear, blunt-nosed family.
Two of them —eating and breathing — are shared by members of the animal kingdom.
WHEN it comes to prospecting for advanced materials, the animal kingdom rarely comes to mind.
Of all the eyes in the animal kingdom, the human eye isn't the most efficient but it is still amazingly adaptable.
This love applies to the human kingdom, the animal kingdom, the elemental kingdom and the plant kingdom alike.
Dr Thornhill thought this preference for symmetry might turn out to be universal in the animal kingdom (and it does indeed seem to be).
We, of the animal kingdom, have gifts to bring to the Earth and to humans when we come.
Christmas is supposed to remind us of peace and goodwill — and the rest of the animal kingdom could do with a taste of it, rather than being tasted.
The upshot is that because of the productivity specialization makes possible, the rest of the animal kingdom holds few lessons for mankind.
The elephant has the longest memory of any member of the animal kingdom and can even remember where other elephants have died.
The elephant has the longest memory of any member of the animal kingdom and can even remember where other elephants have died.