The findings will be published in the journal Animal Cognition.
At the least, then, Dr Hauser stands accused of setting the study of animal cognition back many years.
Particular emphasis will be placed on the comparison of behavior within an evolutionary framework, animal cognition, and on the genetic, neural, and hormonal mechanisms underlying behavior.
Human and animal studies examining brain wave patterns, cognition and behaviour after exposure to RF fields, such as those generated by mobile phones, have not identified adverse effects.
The study of animal words from the Angle of cognition may help to deepen our research in language and at the same time guide our language teaching and study.
Cognitive models based on self-reproduction are presented and built to improve the cognition of artificial fish, and high-level motion controls based on animal logic are implemented.
Cognitive models based on self-reproduction are presented and built to improve the cognition of artificial fish, and high-level motion controls based on animal logic are implemented.