Until animal spirits revive, the economy will not recover.
What is the source of that crazy optimism that John Maynard Keynes called “animal spirits”?
Your columnist is all in favour of animal spirits. But he nevertheless inclines to the second view.
As the Dragon Warrior frees the animal spirits he will take on their appearance and abilities.
It is a plausible biography-given the necessary addition of animal spirits-but an imaginary one.
In 1998 rate cuts quickly restored the animal spirits of investors and the dotcom bubble followed.
Japan's bureaucratic allocation of credit seldom spurs animal spirits. Rather, it nourishes zombies.
The only question is who has the funds to kind of carry out the ideas that the animal spirits come up with?
What is more, if carry trades are the rage again due to animal spirits, why is ultra-safe gold at an all-time high?
A burst of corporate mergers, including several bidding wars, suggests business's animal spirits are returning.
Employers may be mistaken if they assume that older workers lack the animal spirits to make a go of new ventures.
What is more if carry trades are the rage again due to animal spirits why is ultra-safe gold at an all-time high?
So Keynes' animal spirits are returning and, with that in mind, here are seven predictions for the business world in 2011.
The devotees are in fact undergoing what they believe to be a form of possession by the animal spirits inculcated into their tattoos.
These higher order spirits produced the lower order animal spirits, which included the memory, the brain, and the nervous system.
Keynes called them animal spirits, and he thought they were especially important in determining people's willingness to take risks.
凯恩斯把它们称作“动物精神”(animal spirits),认为这种精神在决定人们是否愿意冒险方面尤为重要。
CENTRAL bankers in Western countries are getting used to the idea that part of their job is to try to raise animal spirits after a slump.
The alternative is likely to lead to macroeconomic stagnation as lingering uncertainty dampens the animal spirits that we need to stir back up again.
Reckoning that Kraft’s shares are undervalued he counselled the firm’s bosses not to let their “animal spirits run high” and overpay for Cadbury.
A rise in the tax last May was intended to temper the animal spirits that were turning brokers like Shenyin & Wanguo into heaving gambling dens.
What about the worry that Sarbox is dulling America's animal spirits-discouraging companies from going public and smothering small companies in red tape?
The degree of parts and animal spirits necessary to constitute that character, if properly applied, might have made him useful in many parts of life;
But those animal spirits, as economists call such signs of optimism, are strikingly absent in a pretty good predictor of future economic activity: lending.
The idea behind the initiative is that Japanese animal spirits are merely in hibernation, and a spurt of cash is all it takes to awaken rapacious entrepreneurs from their garages.
The idea behind the initiative is that Japanese animal spirits are merely in hibernation, and a spurt of cash is all it takes to awaken rapacious entrepreneurs from their garages.