The GroupTODO annotation type in Listing 6 adds several new variables.
The TODOItems annotation type has a single variable that takes a value.
The type system contains information about annotation types and their features.
Each annotation type defines a fixed set of names associated with that annotation.
The annotation types used in the new rules must exist as part of the UIMA type system.
An annotation type looks a lot like an ordinary class, but it has some unique properties.
The produced analysis results, each derived from the Annotation type, are stored in the CAS.
However, you'll find that several of your annotations might all use the same annotation type.
This annotation type really shines when you're up too late coding and mistype something, as in Listing 3.
当编码到很晚且输错了某些东西时,此注释类型真的可以发挥很大的作用,如清单 3中所示。
For example, this meta-annotation indicates that the declared type is itself a meta-annotation type.
Use this TAB to specify which annotation type contains the analysis result, (for example, the type Company).
You can use the Annotation type to label regions in documents. The Annotation type includes the features Begin and End.
With the annotator aspect approach, the participation occurs only at the level of a Shared understanding of annotation type.
Take note, though — the shorthand version is available only if the annotation type has a single-member variable named value.
Listing 3 defines a string named value that the annotation type can accept. You then use the annotation type as in Listing 4.
Note that this annotation type doesn't have a single-member variable, so you gain nothing by naming one of the variables value.
You shouldn't have any trouble figuring out what this one does, but it's not always obvious why this annotation type is so important.
This enum defines the various program elements that an annotation type can target. Listing 9 show the ElementType enum in its entirety.
Notice that Listing 13 specifies the annotation's retention as RUNTIME. This is a required aspect of using the Documented annotation type.
注意,清单13 中规定注释的保持性(retention)是RUNTIME ,这是使用 Documented 注释类型所必需的。
In one system, it may use Transactional as the annotation type to capture join points, whereas in another system the annotation type might be Tx.
The same applies to aspectual interfaces: You wouldn't want an annotation type called ReadLock whose purpose was to describe the use of the type.
This requires you to supply some sort of metadata on your annotation type, so that the compiler can enforce the annotation's intended functionality.
This helps you ensure that nobody else takes your annotation type and misapplies it (or, better yet, that you don't misapply it in a fit of fatigue).
If a method is annotated with this annotation type but does not override a superclass method, compilers are required to generate an error message.
A general and common type that is often used in text analysis to derive additional types is the Annotation type, which is provided by the UIMA framework.
The selected annotation type specifies which result you are interested in, and the selected features of this annotation type specify the detailed part of interest.
In these examples I'll focus on selecting join points by annotation type; further down I'll explain some of the other factors that can weigh in on join point selection.
The type is the actual construct used, and the annotation itself is the specific usage of that type, in a particular context (see the sidebar, Annotation or annotation type?).
类型是实际使用的结构,在特定上下文中,注释本身是该类型的具体使用(请参阅侧栏 注释或注释类型?)
Because only a single bit of data is supplied, you can use a shortcut syntax (assuming the annotation type is defined to accept this syntax): @SingleValueAnnotation("my data").
因为仅提供很少的一点数据,所以可以使用快捷语法(假设注释类型接受此语法): @SingleValueAnnotation("mydata") 。
You use the annotation type in Listing 1 exactly the same way you use the built-in annotation types, except that you indicate the custom annotation by both its name and package.