Inflation as measured by the consumer price index reflects the annual percentage change... Catalog Sources World Development Indicators.
The vegetation in forest area, in which has the highest vegetation index, the impact of annual change of precipitation on surface vegetation was slight.
The change of the annual evaporation and the aridity index in Xinjiang is in a decrease trend, which reveals that the signals of climate wetting have occurred.
Annual net primary productivity (NPP) of terrestrial vegetation is the net amount of carbon fixed by plant photosynthesis. NPP is an important index in global change ecology.
By using surface data from 1951 to 1996, the long term change trend index of annual and seasonal precipitation of China is calculated.
利用1 951年至1 996年地面气象记录资料,计算了我国全年和季节降水量长期变化趋势特征指数。
By using surface data from 1951 to 1996, the long term change trend index of annual and seasonal precipitation of China is calculated.
利用1 951年至1 996年地面气象记录资料,计算了我国全年和季节降水量长期变化趋势特征指数。