Certification is for an initial period of five years, with an annual review to ensure that the fishery is continuing to meet the required standards.
Request all clubs to conduct an annual review of classifications.
In his deposition, lawyers asked Caffey whether the disaster came up during his annual review.
In an article published in the new Annual Review of Psychology, Dan Ariely and Michael I.
Q: If this were your first annual review with our company, what would I be telling you right now?
If this was your first annual review with our company, what would I be telling you right now?
The Wall Street Journal Asia Wednesday issued its annual review of Asia's 200 most-admired companies.
The other five are new stocks to replace five I'm dropping from the portfolio as part of this annual review.
Those who pass the Annual Review will be qualified to enjoy the scholarship for the following academic year.
I shall go through the procedures for Annual Review of Beijing Foreign Student and Scholar Status as required;
The five-page summary of the Afghanistan and Pakistan Annual Review says "there are notable operational gains."
IMAGES 'annual review of contemporary architecture again delivers inspirational projects from around the world.
After a good annual review, my supervisor told me I was up for a raise, pending approval of the vice president.
Her review of 866 scientific studies is summed up in the journal annual review of ecology, evolution and systematics.
Article 22 the SAFE shall exercise annual review over the Foreign Exchange Registration Certificate held by the QFII.
The positive trial , annual review and re-evaluation of temporary facility should be incorporated into audit programs.
And speaking of pay, most netpanies work on an annual review basis, so asking for more sooner doesn't work for their budgets.
Once Approved, I shall fulfill the responsibility of the Scholarship positions, and take part in annual review and evaluation of the Scholarship.
Our Social Law 2010-2013 annual review and combing research, contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the research status of social law.
By consulting cnki net and annual review pharmacy, the writer had analyzed the present research Chinese crude drug varities in Compendium of Materia Medica.
Davis, J. "Private-sector Participation in Water Supply and Sanitation: A Review of Experience. " Forthcoming in Annual Review of Environment and Resources. 2005.
The Premier League extended its financial superiority over its nearest rivals in Germany and Spain to more than $1.4 billion, according to Deloitte's Annual Review of Football Finance.
Documentation of the existence of new engineering control technology and the decisions made whether to employ such technologies should be incorporated into the annual review of the plan.
Article 24 If the SAFE discovers any of the following situations on the part of the QFII during the annual review, the SAFE shall impose punishment on the QFII in accordance with the Provisions.
Five of the world's top 10 gambling companies are from Asia, an annual review suggested, underlying the increasing shift of gambling activity from west to east, the Financial Times of London reported.
If there's ever been a year to ace the annual performance review, 2009 May be it.
On December 9th, at the annual business review conducted at the firm's headquarters in central new Jersey, Mr Clark announced yet another new strategy, involving low-cost biological drugs.
If there's ever been a year to ace the annual performance review, 2008 May be it.
If there's ever been a year to ace the annual performance review, 2008 May be it.