The Census Bureau also released the 2008 annual summary for its fats and oils report.
Feb. 6,2015, 2014 Annual Summary Commendation Ceremony of Dagao Aviation City and SBAAI was held successfully.
Currently, animal drug sponsors are not required to submit sales or distribution data by particular species, although they do provide annual summary reports.
The 9th annual global optoelectronics market summary and forecast is due to be distributed to OIDA members in October.
Summary: The annual IDEAlliance XML conference took place the first week in December in Boston MA.
简介:十二月的第一个星期在马萨诸塞州的波士顿召开了一年一度的 IDEAllianceXML研讨会。
The 2010 Annual Report provides a summary of the Transportation Research Board's (TRB's) programs and activities over the last year and an overview of the individual divisions within TRB.
The five-page summary of the Afghanistan and Pakistan Annual Review says "there are notable operational gains."
I was involved in daily accounting, and have experienced an annual audit, as well as a monthly summary of work.
In summary, the sum insured is compared with the product of adjusted Rate of Gross Profit and adjusted Annual Turnover.
In summary, the sum insured is compared with the product of adjusted Rate of Gross Profit and adjusted Annual Turnover.