By replacing formal function definitions with anonymous functions, you simplify code.
The value of afterFinish is an anonymous function that is invoked when the effect is done.
Notice that the map you pass to the extend function maps from keywords to anonymous functions.
This expression is actually the body of an "anonymous function", called a function literal in Scala.
Curious readers will be wondering what makes a functor different from an anonymous function or closure.
In this example, you use simple HTML tags to pull in icon images and jQuery to attach an anonymous function to that image.
It builds an Erlang expression in abstract form and returns an anonymous function which can dynamically evaluate it later.
An anonymous function is defined within the context of another function, usually by assigning it to a delegate variable.
If defining even a single property is too much, you can define and invoke an anonymous function in a single expression.
In this case, when any client sends data to server, this anonymous function is called and the data is passed into the function.
Unlike XAML, you have the option of either passing in a function or defining the converter inline as an anonymous function.
The workaround is to encapsulate your variables in an anonymous function and call that function immediately after you define it.
It is important to notice that you cannot easily unsubscribe from an event if you used an anonymous function to subscribe to it.
The anonymous function is now named, providing most profilers with something meaningful to display along with the profile results.
A Groovy Closure is an anonymous function that can access its enclosing scope, can be called repeatedly at will, and be passed around as it were data.
In this case, we want to be able to alter the Organizer's pixMap field during the execution of the anonymous function being called by the each function.
Since it is implemented as an anonymous function within another function, one could do some preliminary checks and calculations before creating the iterator.
That is, a closure is an anonymous function that, when created, attaches to itself the value of variables from the scope of the code that created the function.
Once the business logic is obtained in abstract form within this version of to_function, it returns an anonymous function (just like the first version of to_function).
It's an anonymous function that's passed into The Times method and prints a static sentence. This code is tighter and simpler than the alternative with a for loop, shown in Listing 2.
But don't let the complexity of calculus dissuade you from using lambdas: They are really nothing more than anonymous functions. The following function definition, for example, is a lambda.
From the examples so far, you can see that an anonymous function is simply a function, without an name, that is evaluated in place and determines its context based on where it is defined.
This function returns an anonymous visitor function that will jump to the next node if the node is not of the correct type.
Since the body of the callback is trivial here, we've defined the entire function inline as an anonymous subroutine.
The IEnumerable function will generally begin with a "Return Iterator" block, which is a special case of VB's new anonymous, multi-line function syntax.
If a function literal is anonymous, there should be one space between the word function and the left parenthesis.
In most cases, you will need a dedicated IP address for Anonymous FTP to function.
I think that for static functions (or those in an anonymous namespace), the compiler could possibly make the optimization you're talking about, since the function does not have external linkage.
Then an anonymous electronic vote system scheme based on this protocol is proposed. This paper provides the design of function modules in detail and a part of programming code is given.
Then an anonymous electronic vote system scheme based on this protocol is proposed. This paper provides the design of function modules in detail and a part of programming code is given.