Structural Subtyping (duck typing) using type inference and anonymous types.
We followed these steps to transform listing 1's anonymous type into listing 2's named type.
An anonymous type is constructed by the compiler and the type name is only available to the compiler.
The name of the anonymous type is compiler generated, and it may vary from compilation to compilation.
You create a composite key as an anonymous type or named typed with the values that you want to compare.
The inferred type may be a built-in type, an anonymous type, a user-defined type, or a type defined in the.
In cases where a named type and an anonymous type use the same qname, they are differentiated by the qnameScope property.
Provides an example of how to return the results of a LINQ query as a specific type instead of as an anonymous type.
ONE of the keys for getting data easily to a view is that we need to send ONE object (and not an anonymous type) to the view.
Your code should not use or rely on the name of an anonymous type because the name might change when a project is recompiled.
In the example in Listing 8, we have defined what is called an anonymous type, where no explicit name is given to the complex type.
When you create an anonymous type that contains an array, the array must be implicitly typed in the type's object initializer.
The getQNameScope method returns the binder qnameScope property to indicate whether the schema type is a named type or an anonymous type.
Type Inference - the var keyword, which is necessary when using anonymous types, can also reduce redundancy in your other variable declarations.
To pass an anonymous type, or a collection that contains anonymous types, outside a method boundary, you must first cast the type to object.
For anonymous types, the binder implementation should make sure that the returned SOAPElement always has the QName matching the defined schema type.
对于匿名类型,绑定实现应该确保返回的SOAPElement的QName 与定义的脚本类型匹配。
Only properties you designate as key properties participate in tests of equality between anonymous type instances, or calculation of hash code values.
Anonymous types provide a convenient way to encapsulate a set of read-only properties into a single object without having to first explicitly define a type.
If you must store your query results or pass them outside the method boundary, consider using an ordinary named struct or class instead of an anonymous type.
If you do not specify member names in the anonymous type, the compiler gives the anonymous type members the same name as the property being used to initialize them.
The format you use to declare an instance of an anonymous type resembles the format you use when you declare an instance of a named type by using an object initializer.
The complexType within the element named "person" has no name itself, so it is anonymous. You can convert this anonymous type into a named type by following these simple steps
名为 “person” 的元素中的 complexType本身没有名称,因此它是匿名的。
For an anonymous type, the binder has to be aware of its enclosing element; therefore, SOAPElement, that is returned from serialize method, has the same QName as that of the enclosing element.
This function returns an anonymous visitor function that will jump to the next node if the node is not of the correct type.
Where there is more than one instance of the type to output -- in this case, where you have two cats but one dog -- you need to collect the hashes as an anonymous array of anonymous hashes.
在需要输出一个类型的多个实例的情况下 —— 在这个示例中,有两只猫和一只狗 —— 需要以匿名散列的匿名数组的形式收集散列。
To pass this to a recursive method, the anonymous class should extend a wrapper type known to the method.
It is defined as a subclass of an anonymous in-line resource, which in turn is of type daml: Restriction.
它被定义为匿名内联资源的子类,而匿名内联资源类型又是daml: Restriction的类型。
You also need to do something similar for the type of the Quantity property: you need to create an anonymous simple type.
Once the anonymous member's method has been called, flow has been delegated to that method entirely. So you cannot simulate type hierarchy like this.
By contrast, Listing 10 makes the type local to the definition of element Book and also makes it anonymous.