When I saw you, I feel I'm finding out the "another part of me". Yeah, it's you, "the girl is mine", I'm be sure.
But another part of me never stops dreaming that one day, just one day, we will all put down our weapons forever.
Part of me thinks that's a sad commentary on American civility. Another part of me is surprised the number is so low.
Part of me wanted to rush down there, but another part of me didn't want to intrude on this 10 acute and very personal phase of grief.
Part of me felt embarrassed but another part of me (a bigger part) thought how wonderful it was that the shop owner had the confidence to say this.
A part of me wants to open the shoe box, but another part of me simply desires to close my eyes and chuck the shoe box and its contents away for good.
One part of me really wants to escape from the house, but another part of me appears to have falling in love with one of the aliens, I think it is a female alien.
I can keep looking for Mr. Right. But another part of me is worrying every night, 'What if I don't find that guy, what if when I pass 30, nobody wants me anymore, '" Xie says.
One part of me says it's another neat reminder that bodily position can feed back to our minds, it's not just our bodies that reflect our mental state.
Everyone has in the past, the past is part of me, if you feel discontented, big can find another lady, but why I want you to forgive?
I have turned something I don't necessarily "love" having into another piece in the puzzle of me, and part of why I love that puzzle.
TRANSTOR: They disturb me, because when I remove one like today, the next day another one finds its way in another part of my body.
A part of me screamed in anger, another in pain... another simply stood there, mind clouded as I tried to understand what had happened, tried to clear out the facts, to deny what I had felt.
A part of me screamed in anger, another in pain... another simply stood there, mind clouded as I tried to understand what had happened, tried to clear out the facts, to deny what I had felt.