Even something as small as changing the message on the answer phone is a very positive start.
We try to answer phone calls as they come in, but sometimes we are on the phone with other customers at the time you call.
In some Computertowns there are question sessions, rather like radio phone-ins, where the experts listen to a lot of questions and then try to work out some structure to answer them.
Johnson won't answer the phone if he doesn't know the number.
Why didn't you answer my Wechat phone at eight o'clock last night?
If your problem is that you don't know a good way to answer the phone when it rings, that is a very concise problem.
As a computer support specialist, you will meet with clients in person or answer questions remotely, via Internet, or on the phone.
The processor essentially reads all the Numbers in the phone book at once to find the single correct answer.
Near the exit is "telephone Peace," a white telephone mounted on a wall, with a card telling visitors to answer the phone when it rings.
DRESSING up: a woman will dress up to: go shopping, water the plants, empty the garbage, answer the phone, read a book, get the mail.
Sit at home and mull over what mobile phone you should buy, waiting for the answer would pop in at some point.
Back then members of Congress were expected to come home during vacations and the long summer recess, to answer their mail and phone calls, and to see their constituents when they came to Washington.
Arrive at the office a bit early so that you can answer e-mails before the phone starts ringing.
Wu Yi says she did not cancel any of her work shifts for interviews after becoming famous overnight, though she did answer tons of phone calls during breaks.
T-Bag is allowed to answer the phone and finds Sucre on the other end.
We scrub the bathrooms, Windex the mirrors, dust the shelves, answer the phone, and clean up after our customers.
There's a pressure to answer someone when they call your cell phone merely because they are calling - to not answer is rude.
有一种压力让我们在他人只是拨打过来电话时候就接听- - -不接听就显得粗鲁。
It might mean standing to answer the phone and pacing the room, tapping your feet on the floor as you work.
When driving we can choose to drive safely, not to answer the phone, or listen to the radio, or talk to passengers.
Many AIDS organisations and other bodies, including NCCAM, will answer enquiries over the phone or online.
Everything you say and do--from how you greet others and answer the phone to how you dress and carry yourself--sends a message about your brand.
Nancy: This is considered a polite way to answer the phone, either at home or in business.
When the telephone rang the house parent laid the large cardboard paper down on the back cement step and went inside to answer the phone.
I would never answer the phone, because I was afraid. Now I answer it whether it rings or not.
Unless you work in a job which requires it, there's no rule which says that you need to answer your phone as soon as it rings.
Also, if you're on a roll, don't answer the phone every time it rings, unless it's your boss.
The customers probably thought that they didn't have to pay unless they answer the phone.
If you're not around to answer the phone you're likely doing something of value to you and it's nice not to be distracted from that.
If you're not around to answer the phone you're likely doing something of value to you and it's nice not to be distracted from that.