If people disregard the great works of the past, it is because these works no longer answer the needs of the present.
We provide specially designed shopping trolleys to answer the needs of parents with young children.
In a clear trend, RDBMS vendors, unwilling to give up market share to NXDs, offer their own fully fledged but well-integrated XML solutions to answer the needs of their customers.
It may be true that, if this were the best of all possible worlds, the food surplus in the developed countries would be sufficient to answer the needs of the starving millions elsewhere.
Energy and sustainability experts say the answer to our future energy needs will likely come from a lot of comprise—both traditional and alternative.
The answer might be To provide guidance on technical standards and best practices, and ensure an architecture that suits the long-term needs of the organization.
Okay, so 1 is a viable answer in some contacts that needs constant time, the same amount of time no matter what.
Even if you decide not to use SAML, the SAML specification answers many of the design questions that any system architect needs to answer when building an interoperable, Web-enabled system.
On the other hand, Brunnerhas felt that we should rather start with the needs of men and leadfrom the human situation to the answer of God in His Word.
The answer is that, in order to run multiple simulations, something needs to flow into the first task of the process.
Before Baidu expands, however, it needs to answer an obvious question in an age when even the most transparent of Internet companies are struggling to maintain the faith of their users.
But Iran failed to answer beyond saying that it needs until the middle of next week to provide a response.
The goal of this article is to help ESB users choose the right answer according to their needs, when confronted with the most complex and diverse of ESB concepts: routing and orchestration.
The answer to staffing needs can vary based on the size of your portal and the governance planning that you have put into place.
But this may not be the answer for the 7,000mw of new generating capacity that Chile needs to keep pace with the estimated growth of demand over the next decade.
But this may not be the answer for the 7, 000mw of new generating capacity that Chile needs to keep pace with the estimated growth of demand over the next decade.
The Dynamic Language Runtime, or DLR, is Microsoft's answer to the needs of dynamic language developers.
Whenever any of my friends have a problem I'm the friend they know will give them an honest answer, or be there to help them with whatever needs to be done.
Addressing these situations, the project seeks and relies on nature to give an answer to two levels of needs.
So, the catchword and action process of face-to-China, is an complex question needs rethink and answer constantly.
Proceeding from the needs of all customers, we have to constantly ask questions, learn from the customer's answer customer demand, this will more with less.
AMISCO PRO is the only one to answer these needs; it is the most powerful system of market analysis available.
To answer the question, one needs to consider a combination of factors that symbolize the changing landscape of China's labor force and modern society in general.
We can get the numerical answer meeting the needs of engineering, solve problems with construction, shorten the period and reduce the cost of design .
To answer this question, one needs to take account of the differences and similarities between these two epochs.
The question of how to enhance financial services in order to keep good customers and utilize customer asset needs an urgent answer.
The question of how to enhance financial services in order to keep good customers and utilize customer asset needs an urgent answer.