Previous studies have shown what happens after anthrax spores enter the body and wreak havoc.
Anthrax spores enter the cell through something called Mac-1, a receptor that sits on the surface of certain cells.
Letters containing anthrax spores were sent to American senators and news outfits in autumn 2001, killing five and infecting seventeen.
Bioterrorism, the existent problem of a long time, has not just attracted extensive concern until the anthrax spores attack after the "9.11" affairs in the United States.
Humans can contract anthrax in three ways: through cuts or breaks in the skin resulting from contact with an infected animal, from breathing anthrax spores and from eating infected meat.
A very serious and rapidly progressing form of the disease occurs when bacterial spores are inhaled making anthrax a potent threat when used as a biological warfare agent.
A very serious and rapidly progressing form of the disease occurs when bacterial spores are inhaled making anthrax a potent threat when used as a biological warfare agent.