Seat belts are the only mandatory equipment, and the increase in car buying hasn't boosted demand for airbags or anti-lock brakes, automakers said.
While our cars can't yet drive themselves, more and more functions are being given over to the vehicle, from anti-lock brakes to cruise control.
The latest Shanghai Maple, for example, with leather seats, anti-lock brakes, air conditioning and a two-year warranty, costs a mere $6, 500.
A WagonR hatchback with airbags and anti-lock brakes costs 27 percent more in Mumbai than one without, according to Maruti Suzuki's website.
Driver and passenger front airbags, belt pre-tensioners, anti-lock brakes and power steering are standard on all cars sold in the EU.
They pioneered anti-lock brakes in '78. -In '81, they manufactured the front airbag.
他们在78 年率先研究了防抱死刹车。 - 在81 年,他们又制造了前安全气囊。
At present time, few documents are found about ABS dynamics, in our country, almost nothing is done on dynamics of ABS and anti-lock brakes.
At present time, few documents are found about ABS dynamics, in our country, almost nothing is done on dynamics of ABS and anti-lock brakes.